
A simple imperative tool for Tests and Infra automation

APACHE-2.0 License


Test and infra automation Framework - Binnacle


gem install kadalu-binnacle


Check the version

binnacle --version
binnacle <task-file|task_files_list> [options]

Run a single task file

# File: verify_report.t
command_run "my-script ~/report.csv"
command_run "stat ~/report.csv"
binnacle verify_report.t

For detailed output, use -v and to print the output of the commands, use -vv

binnacle -vv verify_report.t

For JSON results,

binnacle -vv verify_report.t --results-json=report.json

To run multiple files,

binnacle -vv file1.t file2.t file3.t

Alternatively give list of files as task list(*.tl)



Or give directory path to run all the tasks in the directory

binnacle -vv tasks_dir

Wide output: Set this flag to not crop the output lines

binnacle -vv -w verify_report.t

Syntax and Keywords

Run any command (command_run or command_test)

command_run "stat ~/report.csv"
command_test "stat ~/report.csv"

To test a command that returns a specific error

command_test 1, "stat ~/non/existing/file"

Ignore errors and run any command

command_run nil, "docker stop app-dev"
command_run nil, "docker rm app-dev"

Run the command and validate the output

#              Expect value         Command
command_expect "", "hostname"

Run a command in a docker container

command_mode "docker"
command_container "myapp"

command_run "stat /var/www/html/index.html"

Run a command using SSH

command_mode "ssh"
command_ssh_user "ubuntu"
command_sudo true
command_ssh_pem_file "~/.ssh/id_rsa"

command_node ""
command_run "stat /var/www/html/index.html"

Equal and Not Equal

compare_equal? var1, 100, "Test if var1 == 100"
compare_not_equal? var1, 100, "Test if var1 != 100"

True and False

compare_true? var1 == 100, "Test if var1 == 100"
compare_false? var1 == 100, "Test if var1 != 100"


command_node, command_mode etc are used to adjust the behaviour of the plugins. These options can be used as global options or as block options. Block options helps to limit those settings only for that block.

command_node "server1"
command_run "command 1"

command_node "server2"
command_run "command 2"

command_node "server1"
command_run "command 3"
command_node "server1"
command_run "command 1"

command_node "server2" do
    command_run "command 2"

command_run "command 3"

Both examples above are same. The second one is easy since no need to remember the changed options after executing the command 2.


  • command_mode (local (default), docker, ssh)
  • command_node or command_container
  • command_ssh_user
  • command_ssh_port
  • command_ssh_pem_file
  • command_sudo
  • exit_on_not_ok

Embed other task files

Use load keyword to include the tests/utilities from other files.

For example, repeat_tests.t

command_test "command 1"
command_test "command 2"

and the main.t tests file

command_mode "docker"

containers = ["", "", ""]
containers.each do |container|
    command_node container

    load "./repeat_tests.t"

Testing ReST APIs

http_base_url "http://localhost:3000"

http_get "/api/users"

# Test a specific status code
http_get "/api/users", status: 200

# Create a user with JSON data
data = {
  "name" => "Binnacle",
  "url" => ""

http_post "/api/users", json: data, status: 201

# JSON as Text
http_post "/api/users", json: <<-DATA, status: 201
  "name": "Binnacle",
  "url": ""

# As Form data
data = {
  "name" => "Binnacle",
  "url" => ""

http_post "/api/users", form: data, status: 201

# Upload a file
data = {
  "name" => "Binnacle",
  "url" => "",
  "profile" => "@./binnacle_logo.png"

http_post "/api/users", multipart: data, status: 201

# Edit
data = {
  "name" => "Kadalu Binnacle"

http_put "/api/users/1", form: data, status: 200

# Delete
http_delete "/api/users/1", status: 204

# Get JSON response
http_response_type "json"
data = http_get "/api/users"
compare_equal "Kadalu Binnacle", data[:json]["name"]

# Add and Remove header
http_add_header "Authorization", "Bearer 1234"
http_get "/api/users", status: 200 # With Auth Header
http_remove_header "Authorization"
http_get "/api/users", status: 401 # Without Auth header

A simple script to check the status of websites

http_get ""
http_get ""
http_get ""