
Python virtual environments wrangler.

MIT License


Navigate and manage Python virtual environments

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Envie is a set of shell utilities (in bash) aiming to increase your productivity when dealing with mundane Python virtual environment tasks, like creating, destroying, listing/discovering, and switching/activating environments.

Where Envie really shines is auto-discovery, auto-activation and auto-creation of virtual envs relevant to your project (or executable). It holds no assumptions on virtual env dir location in relation to your code (or working directory), but works best if they're near (nested, in level, or a few levels up).


I like to keep my virtual environments close to source (especially in production). With hundreds of projects on disk, this enables me to keep environment dir names short and project-relevant (since a project can have several environments, e.g. dev, prod, test). Also, environments are easy to locate, update, or rebuild (maintain in general).

If you structure your files/projects in any of the ways depicted in Fig 1. below, you'll find Envie particularly helpful.


work                            work                                /srv
│                               │                                   │
├── plucky                      ├── jsonplus                        ├── production
│   ├── env       <--           │   ├── .git                        │   ├── website
│   ├── plucky                  │   ├── django                      │   │   ├── pythonenv     <--
│   ├── tests                   │   │   ├── env                     │   │   ├── var
│   └── ...                     │   │   │   ├── dev      <--        │   │   └── src
│                               │   │   │   └── prod     <--        :   :       ├── .git
├── blog                        │   │   ├── tests                   :   :       └── ...
│   ├── .env      <--           │   │   │   ├── env      <--        .   .
:   ├── .git                    :   :   :   ├── test_1.py
:   ├── _posts                  :   :   :   └── ...
.   └── ...                     .   .   .

(a) env in level with src       (b) env nested under src           (c) env one level above src

Figure 1. Several ways to keep your environments local to the code.

Easy activation ...............

To activate the closest virtual environment in vicinity, just type envie (Fig 1.a and 1.c):

.. code-block:: bash

~/work/plucky$ envie
Activated virtual environment at 'env'.

/srv/production/website/src$ envie
Activated virtual environment at '../pythonenv'.

If several equally close environments are found (Fig 1.b), you'll be prompted to select the exact env. But, you can avoid it with a cunning use of fuzzy-filtering_, for example:

.. code-block:: bash

~/work/jsonplus$ envie dev
Activated virtual environment at 'django/env/dev'.

Discovery and filtering have no limits on depth, so you can activate your project environment like:

.. code-block:: bash

~$ envie plus dev
Activated virtual environment at 'work/jsonplus/django/env/dev'.

Implicit activation ...................

Sometimes you don't care about activating the relevant environment in your shell. You just want your script to run in the correct env. Easy peasy (ref. Fig 1.b):

.. code-block:: bash

~/work/jsonplus$ envie ./django/tests/test_1.py
Activated virtual environment at 'django/tests/env'.
# running test ...

It doesn't have to be a Python script:

.. code-block:: bash

~/work/plucky$ envie run make test
Activated virtual environment at 'env'.
# running 'make' with python from env

And it works from a hash bang too:

.. code-block:: python

#!/usr/bin/env envie

You can even activate the closest environment after the fact, from your Python program (changing the environment from whatever was current — to the closest, relative to the script):

.. code-block:: python

import envie.activate_closest

Terse & pip-infused create ..........................

Sure, you can use virtualenv --python=python3 env, but isn't this simpler?

.. code-block:: bash

$ envie create

# or, shorter:
$ mkenv

And how about also installing your pip requirements in one go?

.. code-block:: bash

$ mkenv -r dev-requirements.txt env/dev

Or, creating a temporary/throw-away environment with some packages installed, then hacking in an interactive Python session, and finally destroying the complete environment upon exit:

.. code-block:: bash

$ mkenv -t -p requests -p 'plucky>=0.4' && python && rmenv -f

Details and more examples are available in envie create, envie remove, and envie-tmp_ docs.

Existing environments discovery ...............................

Activation of the closest environment is predicated on the discovery of the existing virtual environments below a certain directory with lsenv (envie list), and on the up-the-tree search with findenv (envie find):

.. code-block:: bash

~/work$ lsenv

.. _chenv: http://envie.readthedocs.io/en/latest/commands.html#chenv .. _fuzzy-filtering: http://envie.readthedocs.io/en/latest/commands.html#fuzzy-filtering .. _envie create: http://envie.readthedocs.io/en/latest/commands.html#mkenv .. _envie remove: http://envie.readthedocs.io/en/latest/commands.html#rmenv .. _envie-tmp: http://envie.readthedocs.io/en/latest/commands.html#envie-tmp .. _envie list: http://envie.readthedocs.io/en/latest/commands.html#lsenv .. _envie find: http://envie.readthedocs.io/en/latest/commands.html#findenv

Install & configure

For convenience, envie is packaged and distributed as a Python package. You can install it system-wide (or user-local, see Install_ docs):

.. code-block:: bash

$ sudo pip install envie
$ envie config

# don't forget to source envie:
$ . ~/.bashrc

# or just open a new shell

After install, be sure to run a (short and interactive) configuration_ procedure with envie config. If in doubt, go with the defaults. Running config is optional, but recommended. It'll, for example, allow to you easily add Envie sourcing statement to your .bashrc (enabling Bash completion and alias functions), and to activate environments indexing (enabling faster search with locate).

.. _Install: http://envie.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setup.html#install .. _configuration: http://envie.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setup.html#configure

Enable index ............

By default, envie uses the find command to search for environments. That approach is pretty fast when searching shallow trees. However, if you have deeper directory trees, it's often faster to use a pre-built directory index (i.e. the locate command). To configure a combined locate/find approach to search, run envie config.

When index is enabled, the combined approach is used by default (if not overriden with -f or -l switches). In the combined approach, find and locate start searching in parallel and vie for producing results first. However, find is given only 400ms to finish before being terminated, thusly producing locate-based results for deeper trees faster (but potentially incomplete if index was stale).

Testing .......

Run all test suites locally with::

$ make test

(after cloning the repo.)

Usage in short

envie [-1] [-f|-l] [<basedir>] [<keywords>] (alias chenv) Interactively activate the closest environment (looking down, then up, with findenv), optionally filtered by a list of <keywords>. Start looking in <basedir> (defaults to .).

envie create [-2|-3|-e <pyexec>] [-r <pip_req>] [-p <pip_pkg>] [-a] [<envdir> | -t] (alias mkenv) Create virtual environment in <envdir> (or in a temporary dir, -t) based on a Python interpreter <pyexec>, optionally installing Pip requirements from <pip_req> file, and/or <pip_pkg> requirement specifier(s).

envie remove (alias rmenv) Destroy the active environment.

envie list [-f|-l] [<dir>] [<keywords>] (alias lsenv) List all environments below <dir> directory, optionally filtered with a list of <keywords>.

envie find [-f|-l] [<dir>] [<keywords>] (alias findenv) Find the closest environments by first looking down and then dir-by-dir up the tree, starting in <dir>; optionally filtered with a list of <keywords>.

envie <script>, envie python <script> Run Python script in the closest virtual environment.

envie run <command> Execute arbitrary command/builtin/file/alias/function in the closest virtual environment.

envie-tmp <script> Create a new temporary (throw-away) virtual environment, install requirements specified inside the <script> file, run the <script>, and destroy the environment afterwards.

envie config Interactively configure Envie.

envie index (Re-)index virtual environments (for faster searches with locate).

envie help Print usage help. For details on a specific command use the -h switch (like envie find -h, or mkenv -h).


Documentation is hosted by ReadTheDocs, latest version being available at envie.rtfd.io <http://envie.rtfd.io/>_.