
🤖 Computer setup


npm i -g @ae-studio/px# New System Setup

Table of Contents

  1. First steps
    1. Clone this repo
    2. Disable SIP
    3. NVM
    4. Xcode
    5. Updates, syncing, and password/license access
    6. Browsers
  2. Installs
    1. Homebrew
    2. mas
    3. NPM
    4. Python
    5. Ruby
    6. Non-app Store
  3. System setup
    1. System Preferences
    2. Dock
    3. Finder view preferences
    4. Finder toolbar
    5. Finder sidebar
    6. Notification Center
    7. Set up spaces and wallpapers
    8. Menu Bar
    9. Fonts
  4. Wrapup
  5. References

First steps

Clone this repo

  1. Show hidden files: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES && killall -KILL Finder
  2. cd ~ && git clone
  3. Move files to appropriate locations
  4. Install Antigen to ~/.zsh

Disable SIP

  1. Disable SIP: csrutil disable
  2. Fix permissions on /usr/local: sudo chflags norestricted /usr/local && sudo chown $(whoami):admin /usr/local && sudo chown -R $(whoami):admin /usr/local


  1. Install the latest version
  2. Check for local node versions via nvm ls
  3. Check for remote versions via nvm ls-remote
  4. Install any remote versions as needed
  5. Reinstall any packages installed to non-system versions via nvm reinstall-packages system


  1. Install Xcode and get all and available Downloads in Preferences
  2. Install Xcode Command Line Tools: xcode-select --install

Updates, syncing, and password/license access

  1. Check for system and app updates, reboot if necessary
  2. Sign in to relevant accounts in System Preferences > Internet Accounts
  3. Install Dropbox and start syncing
  4. Install 1Password, and browser extensions


  • Chrome
    1. Set as default
    2. Import Humble New Tab Page settings: {"column.2.2":"devices","options.weather_units":"f","column.0.0":"top","column.1.0":"closed","options.hide_options":"1","options.width":"1.321","options.theme":"Elegant","column.2.0":"1","options.show_apps":"0","options.weather_location_id":"2367105","options.spacing":"1.086","options.h_pos":"1.465","options.number_closed":"15","options.lock":"1","options.weather_location":"Boston, MA","options.font_size":"18","column.2.1":"recent","options.show_2":"0"}
  • Chrome Canary
  • Firefox
    1. Tweak Firefox config
    2. Sync uBlock settings
    3. Sync Stylus settings
  • Firefox Developer Edition
  • Safari Technology Preview
  • Edge
  • Polypane



  1. Install Homebrew: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Check to make sure everything is working: brew doctor
  3. Check which git and set the $PATH, see this article
  4. Install .brew: sh .brew
  5. Rerun brew doctor


  1. Install .macos: sh .macos


  1. npm install -g @ae-studio/px @bramus/caniuse-cli alfred-dark-mode autogit caniuse-cmd cpy empty-trash-cli fkill fkill-cli get-port git-labelmaker git-open git-user-switch gitjk glyphhanger http-server internal-ip is-up mkdirp ntl open public-ip stacks-cli tldr trash-cli vtop


  1. python3 -m pip install Babel proselint Pygments setuptools waybackpack


  1. Install rbenv: brew install rbenv
  2. Install the latest version
  3. Set the latest version globally: rbenv global x.x.x
  4. Ensure that .zshenv points to the new version of Ruby
  5. gem install bundler foreman haml mustache pg rails rmagick thin scss_lint slim

Non-app Store

These apps can't be installed by Homebrew Cask or mas.

Ensure preferences for Alfred, Hazel, iTerm, and Mackup are synced.

System setup

System Preferences

  1. Review System Preferences settings
  2. Ensure that color is properly set up for Adobe and Sketch
  3. Install services


  1. Preview
  2. Music
  3. 1Password
  4. RightFont
  5. Obsidian
  6. Todoist
  7. Spacer: defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}' && killall Dock
  8. Zoom
  9. Shift
  10. Discord
  11. Slack
  12. Spacer: defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}' && killall Dock
  13. iTerm
  14. VS Code
  15. Tower
  16. Spacer: defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}' && killall Dock
  17. Chrome
  18. Firefox
  19. Safari
  20. Edge
  21. Polypane
  22. Spacer: defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}' && killall Dock
  23. Pixelmator Pro
  24. Figma
  25. Spacer: defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}' && killall Dock

Desktop view preferences

  • Show Hard Drives in Finder preferences
  • Stack by none
  • Sort by Snap to Grid
  • Icon size: 48x48
  • Grid spacing: Largest
  • Text size: 12
  • Label position: Right
  • ☑️ Show item info
  • ☑️ Show icon position

Finder view preferences

Be sure to set from system root level so preferences propagate up to all user directories).

  • Always open in column view
  • Browse in column view
  • Arrange by Kind
  • Sort by Kind
    • Text Size: 12
    • Show icons
    • Show icon preview
    • Show preview column

Finder toolbar

  1. Back/Forward
  2. Path
  3. Connect
  4. Share
  5. Search

Finder sidebar

  1. Favorites
    1. Desktop
    2. home
    3. AirDrop
    4. Applications
    5. Documents
    6. Sites
    7. Dropbox
  2. Devices
  3. Shared

Set up spaces and wallpapers

  1. Set up spaces
  2. Set wallpapers

Menu Bar


  1. MeetingBar
  2. Mail Notifr
  3. Dropzone
  4. Dropbox
  5. Dato
  6. Bartender (left to right)
  7. Battery
  8. Notification Center


  1. Rectangle
  2. 1Password
  3. Stay
  4. Creative Cloud
  5. BetterTouchTool
  6. Quitter
  7. Bluetooth
  8. Backblaze


  1. Set general operating system preferences: sh .macos
  2. Reboot and double check System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Items and set a login picture
  3. Reboot, install Prey, then double-check it and Find My Mac's Location Services access
  4. Re-enable SIP: csrutil enable
  5. Set SlowQuitApps quit time: defaults write com.dteoh.SlowQuitApps delay -int 250
  6. Load BetterTouchTool preferences
  7. Sync VS Code settings
  8. Log laptop serial number in 1Password
  9. Delete setup files (, .osx, etc.)
  10. Turn LoginLaunch.applescript into an app and grant acccess permissions
  11. Store window sizes/positions in Stay
  12. Add Dropzone shortcuts
  13. Sync CiderTV with Apple TV
  14. Migrate FontExplorer X sets and lists
  15. Use TouchID for sudo
  16. Set up Caps Lock as Insert for Windows
  17. Grant cron jobs full disk access
  18. Set up GitHub personal access tokens
    1. Laptop .gitconfig
    2. Refined GitHub, Chrome
    3. Refined GitHub, Firefox
    4. Tower


🔒 Requires app-specific password