
A tool to enchance your shell


Fuzzy Shell Documentation



  1. fuzzy_shell combines the fd and fzf tools, making it more user-friendly.
  2. fuzzy_shell offers fuzzy jumping, editing, and file searching capabilities.

1. Installation

1.1 Quick Start

# clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/Albert26193/fuzzy-shell.git

# install on Linux 
cd fuzzy-shell && sudo bash install/install.sh

# install on Mac (no sudo)
cd fuzzy-shell && bash install/install.sh
  • After installation, if you see the following configuration automatically added to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc, the installation is successful 🎉:
# ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc

#------------------- fuzzy-shell -------------------
source "${HOME}/.fuzzy_shell/scripts/export.sh"
alias "fs"="fuzzy --search"
alias "fj"="fuzzy --jump"
alias "fe"="fuzzy --edit"
alias "fh"="fuzzy --history"

Run source ~/.bashrc or source ~/.zshrc to make the configuration effective. Type fj or fuzzy --jump to use the fuzzy jump feature.

1.2 Dependencies

  • For MacOS users, brew needs to be pre-installed.
  • The minimum version requirement for zsh is 5.2.0, and for bash is 4.2.0
  • It's recommended to pre-install fd and fzf using a package manager. If not pre-installed, you can use the fd and fzf binary files that come with fuzzy_shell

2. Usage

Your shell configuration file (~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc) has already added aliases for fuzzy_shell, which can be used directly. Enter fuzzy --help to view help information.

# fuzzy --help
Usage: fuzzy [option] [args]
  -s, --search [keyword1] [keyword2] [keyword3], namely fuzzy search
  -H, --history                              , namely fuzzy history search
  -j, --jump [keyword1] [keyword2] [keyword3], namely fuzzy jump
  -e, --edit [keyword1] [keyword2] [keyword3], namely fuzzy edit


  • The following three features, fuzzy jump, fuzzy edit, and fuzzy search, will call the fd and fzf tools. fd is used for file searching, and fzf is used for interactive file selection.
  • The index range, ignore files, etc., can be configured in ~/.fuzzy_shell/config.env.
  • Path parameters do not need to match precisely, only fuzzy matching is required.

2.1 Fuzzy Jump

  • fuzzy jump is used for fuzzy jumping to a specified directory or the directory containing a specified file.
# fuzzy jump to the directory which contains 'keyword1' and 'keyword2', 'keyword3'
fuzzy --jump keyword1 keyword2 keyword3

2.2 fuzzy edit Fuzzy Edit

  • fuzzy edit is used for fuzzy editing of specified files.
  • The default editor is vim, which can be configured in ~/.fuzzy_shell/config.env, such as nvim, etc.
# fuzzy edit the file which contains 'keyword1' and 'keyword2', 'keyword3'
fuzzy --edit keyword1 keyword2 keyword3

2.3 Fuzzy Search

  • fuzzy search is used for fuzzy searching of specified files.
# fuzzy search the file which contains 'keyword1' and 'keyword2', 'keyword3'
fuzzy --search keyword1 keyword2 keyword3
  • Its return result can be passed as an argument to other commands. For example, trying to delete the some-file file in the my-path directory:
rm $(fuzzy --search my-path some-file)

# If you have made an alias in shellrc (~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc), it can be simplified to
rm $(fs my-path some-file)


  • fuzzy history will call fzf and history. history is used to retrieve historical records, and fzf is used for interactive file selection.

2.4 fuzzy history Fuzzy History Search

  • fuzzy history is used for fuzzy searching of current shell history records.
  • No parameters are needed, just call it directly.
# fuzzy search the history
fuzzy --history

3. Configuration

  • The configuration file for fuzzy_shell is located at ~/.fuzzy_shell/config.env, where you can configure the search range of fd, ignore files, etc.

  • Four parameters can be configured:

    1. fs_search_dir: Search range, i.e., the search path for fd.
    2. fs_search_ignore_dirs: Ignore files, i.e., the ignore files for fd.
    3. fs_preview: Whether to enable the preview feature, generally recommended to be enabled unless there's severe lag.
    4. fs_editor: Editor, i.e., the editor for fuzzy edit.
  • The default configuration is as follows:

# ~/.fuzzy_shell/config.env

# in which dir to search

# within search range, which dir to ignore

# search preview or not, true: preview | false: not preview
# if your machine is not powerful enough(RAM <= 1GiB), set it to false
# otherwise, set it to true(Recommend)

# fs_editor="nvim"

4. Notes

4.1 Uninstallation

  • If you no longer need fuzzy_shell, you can uninstall it with the following command:
cd fuzzy_shell && sudo bash install/uninstall.sh
  • After uninstallation, the configuration in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc needs to be manually cleaned up.

4.2 Supported Operating Systems

  • Supports x86_64 architecture Linux systems.
  • Supports x86_64/arm64 architecture MacOS systems.
  • Currently tested systems:
    • Ubuntu 18.04/22.04
    • CentOS 7/8
    • Debian 10/11/12

4.3 Supported Shells

  • Supports bash and zsh
  • The minimum version requirement for bash is 4.2.0, and for zsh is 5.2.0
  • Currently does not support fish, and there are no plans to support fish in the future

5. Future Plans

  • Add fuzzy grep functionality.
  • Add support for git, such as fuzzy searching for reflog/branch/commit, etc.
  • Add support for docker, such as fuzzy searching for docker containers, images, etc.

6. Acknowledgements

  • This project is just a small shell script of a few hundred lines, and the main work should be credited to the support of the fd and fzf tools.
  • fd project link: fd
  • fzf project link: fzf