
A collection of bash utilities and scripts to help out your every day activities

GPL-3.0 License


BASH Utilities

A lot of bash functions and scripts I've created and collected over the years.


For the most part, there shouldn't be any dependencies, but each script will have a place at the top that discusses the dependency.

One-line Install

$ bash -c "$(curl -#fL"


  • $ - Wrapper to prevent bad copy/paste of bash commands
  • cdls - Change into directory, list all files
  • cleanup - Recursively delete files that match a certain pattern
  • colors - Constants and functions for terminal colors
  • compare-gzip - Compare original and gzipped file size
  • css-stats - Generates CSS stats
  • draw-ruler - Draw a ruler across the screen
  • eachdir - Run one or more commands in one or more directories
  • extract - Unarchive various compression formats based on extension
  • favicon - Favicon and Apple Touch Icon Generator
  • find-todos - Finds all the @TODOs in a specified directory
  • fpo - Grabs random placholder images from and downloads images
  • fs - Determine size of a file or total size of a directory
  • get-cert-names - Show all the names (CNs and SANs) listed in the SSL certificate for a given domain
  • gitio - Turns a URL into a URL
  • git-updateall - Runs git pull on every directory within the current directory
  • httpcompression - Test if HTTP compression (RFC 2616 + SDCH) is enabled for a given URL
  • ie-vm - Download the Virtual Box images for IE VMs
  • json - Syntax-highlight JSON strings or files
  • jump - Quickly navigate your filesystem
  • lint - Allows you to check your html, css or js
  • makefile - Creates a Makefile for encrypting passwords/sensitive data in repos
  • miscellaneous - Various helper scripts
  • pid - Get the PIDs of all matching processes for all specified processnames.
  • rgb-to-xterm - Convert values between RGB hex codes and xterm-256 color codes.
  • server - Start an HTTP server from a directory, optionally specifying the port
  • todo - Creates a todo item on Desktop
  • targz - Create a .tar.gz archive, using zopfli, pigz or gzip for compression
  • today - Creates/updates Today's todo list
  • todo - Creates something for me to do
  • update-ctags - Updates ctags


Inspiration and code was taken from many sources, including (in lexicographical order):