
my dotfiles for macos/linux/wsl


⚫ dotfiles

Dotfiles, themes, n scripts for my dev PCs


git config

  • Git author stuff
  • Git aliases


Misc shell customisations

  • Aliases
  • Set locales
  • Enable nvm
  • Add a few places to path


vim config

  • Set encoding
  • Load vundle
  • Load colorschemes plugin
  • Enable line numbers
  • Set dark background
  • Set deepsea theme
  • Enable syntax highlighting
  • Enable mouse support
  • Spell spellcheck command
  • Set custom swap directory to not pollute cwd


A couple of hacks for Windows Subsystem for Linux

  • Change ls colours to avoid unreadable blue/green when in NTFS fs
  • Set DOCKER_HOST to connect to Windows Docker daemon


zsh (+oh-my-zsh) config

  • Load jmsv theme
  • Turn autocd off (it annoyed me)
  • Load completition plugins
  • source
  • source .profile

Contains commands for installing stuff

Don't run this as-is, copy-paste blocks from it

  • Makes vim swap directory
  • Install Vundle
  • Copy dotfiles into home directory
  • Install Vundle plugins
  • Install oh-my-zsh
  • Add jmsv theme to zsh themes directory
  • Create fonts directory


My zsh theme, based on steeef

  • Display username & hostname
  • Display current working directory
  • Git support - branch and some tracking indicators

Copies dotfiles back from home directory to update copies in git

Not used much anymore


WSL config to be placed in /etc/wsl.conf

  • Sets root to / so drives are mounted as /c rather than /mnt/c
  • Sets options to "metadata" - makes NTFS permissions work properly or something