
Alias for pnpm commands, support zsh/bash and Windows PowerShell/Command .

MIT License



Alias for pnpm common commands, support Windows PowerShell/Command and zsh/bash. Powered by command-alias.


Alias Commands Remarks
pn pnpm The pnpm command
pna pnpm add Install the specified packages as dependencies
pnad pnpm add --save-dev Install the specified packages as devDependencies
pnao pnpm add --save-optional Install the specified packages as optionalDependencies
pnap pnpm add --save-peer Add the specified packages to peerDependencies and install it as dev dependencies
pnag pnpm add --global Install a package globally
pni pnpm install Install all dependencies
pnup pnpm update Update packages to the specified range
pnupg pnpm update --global Update global packages
pnrm pnpm remove Removes packages from node_modules and from the project's package.json
pnrmg pnpm remove --global Removes a global package
pnln pnpm link Make the current local package accessible system-wide
pnlng pnpm link --global Link a package to global node_modules or from global node_modules
pnls pnpm list List all the versions of packages in the current project
pnlsg pnpm list --global List all the versions of packages in the global install directory
pnw pnpm why Show all packages that depend on the specified package
pnr pnpm run Run a script defined in the package's manifest file
pns pnpm start Run a command specified in the package.json's start property
pnd pnpm dev Run a command specified in the package.json's dev property
pnd pnpm build Run a command specified in the package.json's build property
pnt pnpm test Run a command specified in the package.json's test property
pne pnpm exec Execute a shell command in scope of a project
pnpx pnpm dlx Fetch a package from the registry without installing it as a dependency
pnvm pnpm env use --global Node.js version management
pnf pnpm --recursive --filter Run a command in specific subsets of packages in a workspace


On Windows PowerShell

First run the command to download script:

iwr -OutFile "$Home\pnpm.ps1"

And then add the following code in your Powershell profile:

. $Home\pnpm.ps1

The PowerShell profile can be found at:

  • Windows PowerShell (PowerShell 5): C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
  • PowerShell 7: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\PowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
  • VSCode PowerShell: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\PowerShell\Microsoft.VSCode_profile.ps1

Finally restart Powershell.

On Windows Command

First run the command to download script:

curl -fsSL -o %USERPROFILE%\pnpm.alias.bat

And to make it automatic, run the following command will add the registry value:

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v AutoRun ^ /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%"USERPROFILE"%\pnpm.alias.bat" /f

Finally restart Command.

On bash-like command

On Oh My Zsh

First run the command to download script:

curl -fsSL -o ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/pnpm/pnpm.plugin.zsh --create-dirs

And add it to your plugins in ~/.zshrc:


Finally restart zsh.

On zsh/bash

First run the command to download script:

curl -fsSL -o $HOME/

And source it in $HOME/.zshrc or $HOME/.bashrc:

source $HOME/

Finally restart zsh or bash.


Update config/pnpm-alias.yaml and then run pnpm run build.
