
GnuPG+GDrive-based password vault



pwdrive is a GnuPG and Google Drive-based password vault written in Bash. Passwords are stored as GnuPG-encrypted files on Google Drive.


$ pwdrive set aol       # Store encrypted secret
Enter secret:...
Enter secret again:...
$ pwdrive ls            # List entries
$ pwdrive copy aol      # Fetch and decrypt secret onto clipboard


You need a working GPG setup:

In addition to Bash, the following programs need to be in PATH:

gpg curl grep mktemp mkdir cat base64 sort ( nc | ncat )

netcat can be either the BSD or traditional version.

The copy command requires xclip by default, but can be customized via the PWDRIVE_COPY_CMD environment variable.

How it works

For the encryption half, passwords are encrypted via GnuPG in 2048-bit RSA by default. They are then base64-encoded and uploaded to Google Drive storage. Access to Google Drive requires an OAuth token (granted by the end-user) which is stored at ~/.pwdrive/refresh_token by default.

For the decryption half, again an OAuth token is required to download the encrypted password via the Google Drive API. The same private key used to encrypt the password is needed at decrypt time. If the key is password-protected (recommended) you need that as well. Note that there may be an agent running on your system that remembers your GPG key passwords for some period of time.

All traffic to and from Google is transported over HTTPS.

So, as per usual, the main thing to keep safe is your GPG key.

The OAuth token in ~/.pwdrive is regenerateable if it is lost or if it expires. Simply delete it and pwdrive will prompt you to create another one. If the token is stolen, an attacker will have access to encrypted password content which is very difficult to brute force without the GPG key.


    pwdrive <command> [argv]

    ls                    List all entries
    ls <str>              List all entries prefixed by str
    set <entry>           Set secret for entry via prompt
    set <entry> -         Set secret for entry from stdin
    set <entry> <pass>    Set secret for entry (not preferred)
    get <entry>           Print secret for entry on stdout
    copy <entry>          Copy secret to clipboard (via $PWDRIVE_COPY_CMD)
    lget <str>            Get entry matching str, or ls if multiple
    lcopy <str>           Copy entry matching str, or ls if multiple
    grep <str>            Print entries matching str
    edit <entry>          Edit secret for entry (via $EDITOR)
    rm <entry>            Remove entry
    mv <from> <to>        Rename entry
    token                 Print an access token
    gen                   Generate some random passwords
    help                  Show pwdrive usage

    EDITOR                Editor to use with edit (vim)
    PWDRIVE_ACCESS_TOKEN  Use this access token instead of fetching one
    PWDRIVE_HOME          Home dir of pwdrive (~/.pwdrive)
    PWDRIVE_GPG_ARGS      Extra args for get/set (--no-options --default-recipient-self --quiet)
    PWDRIVE_COPY_CMD      Copy command (xclip -sel c)
    PWDRIVE_PORT          Port to listen on for OAuth callback (49871)
    PWDRIVE_NO_AUTO_LSW   If non-empty, disable auto update of ~/.pwdrive/entries


To install to /usr/local/bin:

# make install

To install to a custom directory, supply DESTDIR, e.g.:

# DESTDIR=/usr/bin make install


pwdrive is confirmed to work on Android 11 with Termux 0.117. Earlier versions may work as well.


In order to minimize dependencies, grep -P is used to extract JSON fields from the Google Drive API. Naturally this is not ideal. If you stick to ascii-only for entry params, things should work.