
Generate your own CA and sign certs fast. (maybe I should rename it to "not-so-easy-rsa" or "hardcore-rsa"?)



Generate your own CA and sign certs fast.

Safety Notice

  • If use in production (I wish you not), generate CA keys on an airgap PC (NO NETWORK CONNECTION, pull out wireless card and glue LAN port)
  • These scripts are provided as-is and doesn't guarantee any level of safety or functionality.
  • Don't leak your key pass phrases. Set strong ones.


Works under macOS and (generic) Linux. Depends on dialog(1).


brew install dialog


apt install dialog

Then clone this repo.


First copy to, change the settings as your wish.

Execute all the following lines under this directory, do not cd to elsewhere.

Generate Root CA

Copy all the files needed


If you need extra configuration on OpenSSL, now edit $SELFCA_ROOT/openssl.cnf.

(Optional) CRL settings

Add the following content to v3_intermediate_ca section of $SELFCA_ROOT/openssl.cnf:

crlDistributionPoints = URI:

Generate CA key and cert

You will be asked for Root CA key pass phrase twice.


Generate Intermediate CA

Copy all the files needed


If you need extra configuration on OpenSSL, now edit $SELFCA_ROOT/$INTERMEDIATE_CERT_NAME/openssl.conf.

(Optional) CRL settings

Add the following content to both user_cert and server_cert section of $SELFCA_ROOT/$INTERMEDIATE_CERT_NAME/openssl.conf:

crlDistributionPoints = URI:

Generate intermediate CA and sign it using root CA

You will be asked for Intermediate CA key pass phrase twice, then Root CA key pass phrase once. You will be asked if OK to sign, otherwise OpenSSL failed to generate key or CSR.


Create Website Certificate

Using as example domain.

Generate private key and CSR

Note: to do this on webserver (to prevent private key leaking), package this repo and the $SELFCA_ROOT folder together, emitting any key file (extension in .key.pem), and put them to webserver.

./ /path/to/your/ssl/key/

This will generate 2 files: and under folder /path/to/your/ssl/key/.

Sign cert by intermediate CA

Note: if your private key is generated on another machine, transfer back to the machine where intermediate CA keys exist.

You will be asked if OK to sign. If not, then OpenSSL failed to generate key or CSR.

./ 365

This will generate

Generate cert chain

cat $SELFCA_ROOT/$INTERMEDIATE_CERT_NAME/certs/$INTERMEDIATE_CERT_NAME-ca-chain.cert.pem > chain.cert.pem

Config your webserver

use chain.cert.pem as certificate file and as certificate key.


Generate CRL

If you only enabled CRL for one CA, you only need to run one command. If you didn't set up CRL, you can safely ignore this.


CRLs are signed with corresponding private keys so you need to input pass phrase.

Host CRL

Get CRL file from $SELFCA_ROOT/crl/ and $SELFCA_ROOT/$INTERMEDIATE_CERT_NAME/crl, put them to the correct location.

Install Root CA

Distribute $SELFCA_ROOT/ca/root.cert.pem to PCs and install them. (You may need to change the extension to .crt for better compatiblity.)


If any step failed, check:

  • If file exists already, set to read-only or have no access permission
  • If you inputed wrong pass phrase (always look at program output)
  • If the information you inputed mismatches with OpenSSL config (check the corresponding policy; some field may need to be the same with the CA)
  • If your subjectAltName is wrong or empty
