
Because I Can't Trust My Memory


Because I Can't Trust My Memory (v3) build

This is some kind of a memory dump in proccess of transition. Author intends to use it as quick help from time to time. You also can do that.

hugo vs git style readme

This version of til notes will also supports web publication, but in order to keep writing in same style, we going to transform files into hugo's branch bundles. In order to do so, keep in ming few rules of writing content:

  • In order to generate front matter, add html comment to the top of the file:
<!-- test: true -->
<!-- link: false -->
test: true
link: false


  • Menu. By default menu link name correlated with first # , in order to make it custom, use menu: $name front matter (e.g. <!-- menu: ssh -->).
  • SEO Titles is seotitle (other wise menu/title/.content>h1) will be used.
  • With title: name first h1 is ignored.


Extracted from project README