
2d Game Animation Engine built for Bevy


bevy_animations is a Lightweight 2d animations engine built for Bevy

Bevy Animations is still in beta and may incurr major API and backend changes in the future.

What bevy_animations accomplishes

  • Fully incorporated with Bevy ECS
  • Easy to use builder pattern syntax
  • Creates animations to use on entities with custom configuration
  • Automatic dropping of animating entites

Add bevy_animations to your Bevy App

use bevy_animations::AnimationsPlugin;
use bevy::prelude::*;

fn main() {
        .add_plugins(AnimationsPlugin {
            pixels_per_meter: 20. // your desired pixels_per_meter

How bevy_animations animations work

  • specified timings or meters_per_frame for each frame
  • user defining which y indexes are left, right, up and down facing sprites or if the sprites should be flipped instead
  • certain animations can block others from happening
  • utilizing a priortity based system so you can define multiple blocking animations with different priorities to render

How to define a bevy_animations animation

You first need to spawn an entity using Commands like this

use bevy_animations::*;
use bevy::prelude::*;

fn entity_setup(
    mut commands: Commands,
    animations: ResMut<Animations>
) {
    let entity = commands.spawn(
        Animator::default(), // the `AnimationDirection` component is needed on the entity to determine the direction
        SpriteSheetBundle {
            texture_atlas: // your sprite sheet handle
            transform: Transform::from_xyz(0., 0., 0.) // your desired location in the `World`
        /* The rest of your entity configuration */

Note if you don't add the AnimationDirection component to your entity it will seem as though your animations will never be inserted because bevy_animations is looking for the AnimationDirection component in it's Querys

You can then add your animations to ResMut<Animations> like this

    NewAnimation {
        handle: player_movement_texture.clone(), /* the handle for the TextureAtlas */
        animation: AnimationType::Timed(
                    Vec::from(PLAYER_RUNNING_FRAMES), /* animation_frames */
                    PLAYER_RUNNING_METERS_PER_FRAME, /* meters_per_frame */
                    Vec2::new(14., 38.), /* frame */
                    AnimationDirectionIndexes::FlipBased(FlipBasedDirection { /* direction_indexes */
                        left_direction_is_flipped: true,
                        x_direction_index: 3,
                    true, /* repeating */
                "player_running", /* AnimationName */
    Some(player_entity), /* specify an entity to add the animation to now instead of later */

Note if you have a one directional animation you can use AnimationDirectionIndexes::one_directional()

Note it is on you to make sure you are passing the correct strings to bevy_animations to animate your entity

You can also add a TimedAnimation like this

    NewAnimation {
        handle: player_movement_texture.clone(), /* the handle for the TextureAtlas */
        animation: AnimationType::Timed(
                    Vec::from(PLAYER_RUNNING_FRAMES), /* animation_frames */
                    Vec::from(PLAYER_RUNNING_TIMINGS), /* frame_timings_in_secs */
                    Vec2::new(14., 38.), /* frame */
                    AnimationDirectionIndexes::FlipBased(FlipBasedDirection { /* direction_indexes */
                        left_direction_is_flipped: true,
                        x_direction_index: 3,
                    true, /* repeating */
                    false, /* blocking */
                    0 /* blocking_priory */
                "player_running", /* AnimationName */
    Some(player_entity), /* specify an entity to add the animation to now instead of later */

We can then start an animation by sending it over an EventWriter<AnimationEvent> like this

fn move_player(
    mut event_writer: EventWriter<AnimationEvent>,
    player_query: Query<Entity, With<Player>>
) {
    // your move logic here...

    event_writer.send(AnimationEvent("player_running", entity));
  • Note that you can send an event of the same name multiple times even while an animation is in progress without ruining it

  • Note an animation that has been sent will animate till end or repeat forever

If you want to change the direction of the animation you will query it from the AnimatingEntity like this

fn move_player(
    mut event_writer: EventWriter<AnimationEvent>,
    mut query: Query<&mut Animator, With<Player>> // specify the `With` to get the entity associated with your custom component 
) {
    // your move logic here...

    let mut animator = query.single_mut(); // get the direction via query

    animator.change_direction(AnimationDirection::Left); // the direction can be changed like this

    event_writer.send(AnimationEvent("player_running", entity));
  • Note if you send an event with a different name the current animation of the entity will change immediately unless the current animation is blocking or has a higher priority.

Knowing this you can change the player_running animation to player_die in another system where you could check collisions like this

fn check_collisions(
    mut commands: Commands,
    rapier_context: Res<RapierContext> // great 2d physics engine for lots of things we are using it for collision detection
    mut event_writer: EventWriter<AnimationEvent>,
    player_query: Query<Entity, With<Player>>,
    bullet_query: Query<Entity, With<Bullet>>
) {
    let player_entity = player_query.single();

    for bullet_entity in bullet_query.iter() {
        if let Some(_) = context.contact_pair(bullet_entity, player_entity) {
            // send the event for the animating entity
            event_writer.send(AnimationEvent("player_die", entity));
            // despawn the entity after death
  • Note that bevy_animations will automatically remove your entity from it's own data structure if it doesn't exist in the World i.e when the entity despawns via .despawn()

  • Note there is no functionality internally yet for doing a task like despawning an entity only after an animation is finished. This can be accomplished on your own however.


bevy bevy_animations
0.13.x 0.6.x
0.12.x 0.5.x
0.11.x 0.4.x
0.10.x 0.3.x
0.9.x 0.2.x

More Documentation

If you need more in depth Documentation and more examples for all of the current implementations read the bevy_animations book or visit the api docs

Open Source

bevy_animations is open-source forever. You can contribute via the GitHub Repo