
Simple, configurable tilesets in Bevy using RON

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Simple, configurable tilesets in Bevy using RON.

All GIFs generated with the bevy_tileset_map crate

📋 Features

  • Define tilesets and tiles via RON files
  • Load a tileset directly as a Bevy asset
  • Define Standard, Animated, Variant, and Auto tiles

Note This crate does not handle rendering tiles or managing a tile map. Rather, this crate is purely for defining tilesets. It's best used in tandem with an existing tilemap manager crate (or your own!).

📲 Installation

Add one of the following lines to your Cargo.toml.

bevy_tileset_tiles = "0.8" # For the base tile definitions
bevy_tileset = "0.8" # For general tileset usage (includes above)

✨ Usage

Simply define your tiles and tilesets in config files:

// assets/tiles/my_tile.ron
  name: "My Tile",
  tile: Standard("textures/my_tile.png")
// assets/my_tileset.ron
  name: Some("My Awesome Tileset"),
  id: 0,
  tiles: {
    0: "../tiles/my_tile.ron",
    // ...

And load it in via a system:

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_tileset::prelude::*;

fn load_tiles(asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
  let handle: Handle<Tileset> = asset_server.load("my_tileset.ron");
  // Store handle...

Then access the generated tileset from anywhere:

fn my_system(tilesets: Tilesets, /* other system params */) {
  let tileset = tilesets.get_by_name("My Awesome Tileset").unwrap();
  let tile_index = tileset.get_tile_index("My Tile").unwrap();

  match tile_index {
    TileIndex::Standard(texture_index) => { /* Do something */ }
    TileIndex::Animated(start, end, speed) => { /* Do something */ }

Tile Types

Currently there are four main tile types:

🖼 Standard

Defines a basic tile.

// assets/tiles/my-tile.ron

  name: "My Tile",
  tile: Standard("textures/my_tile.png")

🎞️ Animated

Defines an animated tile that can be generated with the GPUAnimated component from bevy_ecs_tilemap.

// assets/tiles/my-animated-tile.ron

  name: "My Animated Tile",
  tile: Animated((
    speed: 2.25,
    frames: [

🎲 Variant

With the variants feature enabled

Defines a tile that has a set of possible variants. A variant is chosen at random when placed. These variants can either be Standard or Animated.

// assets/tiles/my-variant-tile.ron

  name: "My Crazy Random Tile",
  tile: Variant([
      weight: 1.0,
      tile: Standard("textures/variant-standard-001.png")
      // Default weight: 1.0
      tile: Standard("textures/variant-standard-002.png")
      weight: 0.0001, // Wow that's rare!
      tile: Animated((
        // Default speed: 1.0
        frames: [

🧠 Auto

With the auto-tile feature enabled

Defines a tile that automatically chooses its active tile based on its neighbors. This behavior can be controlled with rules. These sub-tiles are themselves Variant tiles.

// assets/tiles/my-auto-tile.ron


  name: "My Auto Tile",
  tile: Auto([
      rule: (
        north: true,
        east: false,
        west: true,
      variants: [
          tile: Standard("textures/n_w-e-001.png")
          weight: 2.0,
          tile: Standard("textures/n_w-e-002.png")
      rule: (
        // Also supports short notation
        n: false,
        s: false,
        // And ordinal directions
        south_west: true,
        nw: false
      variants: [
          tile: Standard("textures/sw-n_s_nw.png")

🎓 Examples

  • tileset - Simply load and display a tileset
  • dynamic - Dynamically create a tileset at runtime

Also, be sure to check out the assets folder for how to define a tile or tileset.

🌱 Areas of Growth

There are some things this crate could do better in. Here's a list of potential areas to grow:

  • Tileset
    • Config files ★
  • Improved Auto Tiles
    • Mirror/Rotation (designate a rule to be mirrored or rotated)
  • Loading
    • Load configs as assets

As well as just an overall improved and cleaner API.

🎵 Important Note

These tiles are defined with the bevy_ecs_tilemap crate in mind. Therefore, it's meant to work with an index-based tile system (where a tile's texture is defined as an index into a texture atlas). Other solutions may need to be adapted in order to work with this crate.

🕊 Bevy Compatibility

bevy bevy_tileset
0.11 0.8
0.10 0.7
0.9 0.6
0.8 0.5
0.7 0.4
0.6 0.3
0.5 0.2