
A small, plugin-less utility library making it easier to work with reflection in bevy.

APACHE-2.0 License


Bevy Reflect Utils

A small, plugin-less utility library making it easier to work with reflection in bevy.




This library was written to build re-usable UI widgets.

Reflection code is usually very verbose and hard to follow. The functions in this library only require a ReflectTarget pointing to a field and an &mut World, and return an easy-to-handle Result<T, ReflectError>.

The menu (cargo run --example menu) example demonstrates a few simple UI widgets used on a settings page.

Simple Example

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_reflect_utils::*;

fn main() {
        .add_systems(Startup, setup)
        // IMPORTANT: The types you want to operate on must be registered

// IMPORTANT: The types you operate on must derive `Reflect`
#[derive(Resource, Reflect, Debug, Default)]
#[reflect(Resource, Default, Debug)]
pub struct ExampleResource {
    value: bool,

fn setup(world: &mut World) {
    // Define a `ReflectTarget` pointing to `ExampleResource::value`
    let target = ReflectTarget::new_resource::<ExampleResource>("value");

    // Read the initial value
    let initial_value = target.read_value::<bool>(world).unwrap();
    println!("initial value: {}", initial_value);

    // Set a new value
    target.set_value(world, !initial_value).unwrap();

    // Read the new value
    let new_value = target.read_value::<bool>(world).unwrap();
    println!("new value: {}", new_value);

This example will print the following:

initial value: false
new value: true

You can run this same example with:

cargo run --example simple

Recommended Usage

Use Commands to perform reflection when possible. Use exclusive systems when you can't avoid it.

For example, to update a value when a button is clicked:

fn handle_click_events(mut commands: &mut Commands) {
    // if button was clicked...
    let target = ReflectTarget::new_resource::<ExampleResource>("value");
    commands.add(move |world: &mut World| {
        match target.set_value(world, true) {
            Ok(ReflectSetSuccess::Changed) => info!("Success"),
            Ok(ReflectSetSuccess::NoChanges) => warn!("Value not changed"),
            Err(err) => error!("{err:?}"),

ReflectTarget Target Types

Create a ReflectTarget referencing a field on an Entity and Component:

let target = ReflectTarget::new_component::<ExampleComponent>(entity, "value");

Create a ReflectTarget referencing a field on a Resource:

let target = ReflectTarget::new_resource::<ExampleResource>("value");

ReflectTarget Operations

ReflectTarget provides the following operations:

Read Value

Requires knowing the underlying type.


Return Value:

Result<f32, ReflectError>

Set Value

Requires knowing the underlying type.

target.set_value(world, 0.5);

Return Value:

Result<ReflectSetSuccess, ReflectError>

Toggle Between Enum Variant

Toggle between the previous/next enum variants.

Also works with data variants, provided the variant implements and reflects Default.

Does not require knowing the underlying type. Important: Does not wrap around when reaching the beginning or end of the list of variants.

target.toggle_enum_variant(world, EnumDirection::Forward);
target.toggle_enum_variant(world, EnumDirection::Backward);

Return Value:

Result<ReflectSetSuccess, ReflectError>

Read Enum Variant Name

Does not require knowing the underlying type.


Return Value:

Result<String, ReflectError>

Read Serialized Value

Does not require knowing the underlying type.


Return Value:

Result<String, ReflectError>



Set Serialized Value

Does not require knowing the underlying type.

target.set_value_serialized(world, "{\"f32\":0.5}".to_string());

Return Value:

Result<ReflectSetSuccess, ReflectError>

Partial Equality Against a Serialized Value

Does not require knowing the underlying type.

target.partial_eq_serialized(world, "{\"f32\":0.5}".to_string());

Return Value:

Result<bool, ReflectError>


The primary error type is ReflectError.

Set Value Return Type

Most operations that set a value have the following return type:

Result<ReflectSetSuccess, ReflectError>

Where ReflectSetSuccess allows you know whether the field was changed by the operation:

pub enum ReflectSetSuccess {

Compatible Bevy versions

bevy_reflect_utils bevy
0.2 0.14
0.1 0.13


Dual-licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.