
A ui plugin with tailwind like capabilities for bevy



SubmergeUI is a Rust UI library built on top of Bevy's ECS framework. It provides a structured, modular, and flexible way to define UI components using a Tailwind-like approach for styles, offering a streamlined API for creating and managing UI elements without complex nesting.


  • ECS-based UI: Components, resources, and systems integrate directly with Bevy’s ECS.
  • Tailwind-like styling: Apply styles in a familiar, concise syntax like "border-5px justify_content-center align_items-center".
  • Child linking: Instead of deeply nested children, UI elements are linked by explicit IDs for clarity and simplicity.
  • Custom utilities: Submerge comes with some custom styling utilities like predefined colors, text sizes, border radius, all based on tailwind css presets.

Getting Started


  • Rust and Cargo installed on your machine.
  • Bevy added as a dependency to your project.


To get started, add bevy_submerge_ui as a dependency to your project. You can do this by adding the crate from

In your project's Cargo.toml, add:

bevy = "0.14.1"
bevy_submerge_ui = "0.1.1"


To use SubmergeUI in your Bevy project, simply add it as a plugin:

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_submerge_ui::core::{ui_plugin::SubmergeUi, ui_bundles::{SButtonBundle, ButtonStyleBundle, STextBundle}};

fn main() {
        .add_systems(Startup, setup_ui)

fn setup_ui(mut commands: Commands) {
    let text_style = TextStyle {
        font: asset_server.load("fonts/OpenSans-SemiBold.ttf"),
        font_size: SubmergeText::text(SubmergeText::LG),
        color: SubmergeColors::color(SubmergeColors::BLACK).into(),

    let mut button_style = ButtonStyleBundle::apply_style(
        "border-5px justify_content-center align_items-center padding-15px rounded-50% bg-red-100",

    commands.spawn(SButtonBundle::new("play_button", button_style).child("play_button_txt"));
        .spawn(STextBundle::from_section("First Button","play_button_txt")));

Reactive Widgets (Radioactive Branch)

We are currently experimenting with building reactive widgets in the radioactive branch. This branch is in its early stages, so it is not production-ready. However, contributions and suggestions are welcome! Currently available widgets include:

  • Toggle: A switch-like widget.
  • Selector: A widget for radio button or checkbox groups.
  • Input: A basic text input field.
  • Slider: A slider to select numeric values.

Upcoming Widgets

We are planning to add more widgets to the library, including:

  • Checkbox
  • Radio button
  • Tooltips
  • Progress indicator
  • Dropdown

Feel free to explore the radioactive branch and contribute! To check it out:

git checkout radioactive

You can find the branch here.