
A tool to automate the build process of VM images for Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

APACHE-2.0 License




This repository hosts Imagebuilder, a tool to automate the build process of VM images for Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Imagebuilder uses Chef cookbooks and Packer to run a VM instance on GCP, install additional software, configure it and create a VM image cleaned up from user sensitive data.

For an introduction to Chef and Packer, see the documentation for Chef and Packer.

Workflow diagram


This is not an officially supported Google product.


Getting Started

NOTE: Imagebuilder currently supports Debian based VM images.

Clone this repository

git clone
cd marketplace-vm-imagebuilder

Use the Docker image

You can build the Docker image, or pull an image from the Google Container Registry (GCR) repository.

If you want to build the imagebuilder container image, run the following docker command:

docker build -t imagebuilder .

If you want to pull the imagebuilder container image, run the following docker command:

docker pull
docker tag imagebuilder

Set the environment variables for your build environment


Run the build process

The build is executed in the imagebuild container using a service account for authentication. Authentication can be done using the service account key or local credentials as explained below.

Using Service Account Key

The service account key allows imagebuild to authenticate to GCP. If the key is available, mount a volume in the docker command, as below:

docker run \
  -v "$PWD/examples/chef:/chef:ro" \
  -v "$PWD/examples/packer:/packer:ro" \
  -v "$PWD/examples/tests:/tests:ro" \
  -v "$KEY_FILE_PATH:/service-account.json:ro" \

Using Service Account Name and local credentials

The service account key might not be available when executing locally for manual testing. In this case, login with gcloud and mount the credentials to the container.

gcloud auth application-default login

Follow instructions to get authentication token and complete the login.

Set the env variable SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL and mount the gcloud config into /root/.config/gcloud when executig the docker command:

docker run \
  -v "$PWD/examples/chef:/chef:ro" \
  -v "$PWD/examples/packer:/packer:ro" \
  -v "$PWD/examples/tests:/tests:ro" \
  -v "$HOME/.config/gcloud:/root/.config/gcloud" \
  -e "SOLUTION_NAME=wordpress" \

Volume mounts

These are the filesystem paths used by the imagebuilder container image:

Path Description Required
/packer Packer templates that specify the configuration for the VM image.The volume must contain a templates directory. Your template must be in a subdirectory that matches the $SOLUTION_NAME environment variable. The template is expanded with the script. Yes
/chef Chef cookbooks used in the build process.The volume must contain a cookbooks directory. Your cookbook must be in its own subdirectory. You specify the name of your cookbook in your Packer template's run_list attribute. Yes
/tests A directory with test specs. The directory must contain an executable Bash script called, which is used as an entrypoint. The script has access to the $PACKER_SSH_USERNAME and $SOLUTION_NAME variables. The return code of this script should indicate the result of tests: for success, return 0. No
/service-account.json The JSON key for the GCP service account that you created. The key is used to set an authentication context for gcloud commands and the packer binary for managing resources in your GCP project. Yes

Environment variables

The following environment variables are required:


    The VM image to be built. The name must be the same as the folder that has your Packer template.


    A GCP project where VM instances will be created and VM image will be built.


    A GCS bucket that stores the logs generated by the instance's shutdown script. Packer uses the log to verify that the shutdown script ran successfully. At the end of the build process, the log is deleted.

The following environment variables are optional:

  • KEY_FILE_PATH (defaults to /service-account.json):

    An absolute path of the GCP service account JSON key to used by the gcloud CLI and the packer binary.

  • ZONE (defaults to us-central1-f):

    The GCP zone in which the VM instance is created. The VM instance is used as the base for creating the image.

    For a list of zones, see Regions and Zones in the Compute Engine documentation

  • IMAGE_NAME (defaults to $SOLUTION_NAME-v$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))):

    An image name to be built and saved in your GCP project.

  • PACKER_DIR (defaults to /packer/templates):

    An absolute path to the Packer templates directory. A directory of $SOLUTION_NAME should be present there.

  • CHEF_DIR (defaults to /chef):

    The absolute path to the Chef cookbooks directory.

  • TESTS_DIR (defaults to /tests):

    The absolute path to the image tests directory. The directory must contain an executable Bash script called Used when the $RUN_TESTS variable is true.

  • RUN_TESTS (true or false; defaults to false):

    Whether tests should be run on the newly-built VM image.

  • ATTACH_LICENSE (true or false; defaults to false):

    Whether to attach a GCP Marketplace license to the newly-built VM image. The license name must be provided in the solution package template.

  • LICENSE_PROJECT_NAME (defaults to none):

    A GCP project where the license was created. Required if $ATTACH_LICENSE is set to true.

  • USE_INTERNAL_IP (true or false; defaults to false):

    Whether to use an internal IP to configure SSH connection to instances created by imagebuilder. If false, then an external IP is used.

  • PUBLISH_TO_PROJECT (defaults to none):

    The name of a GCP project to copy the VM image to. The image is created in the project you specific in $PROJECT, and then copied to $PUBLISH_TO_PROJECT.

  • TESTS_CUSTOM_METADATA (defaults to none):

    Custom metadata for the test instance. Each metadata entry is a key/value pair separated by an equals sign. You can use multiple metadata keys, separated by a comma.

    For example:


    For detailed information on using instance metadata, see the Compute Engine documentation.

Packer template

A Packer template is a JSON file that supports the following attributes:

Attribute Type Required Description
chef dict Yes Chef config, used mostly for the run_list property to define the recipies to run.
source_image_family string Yes The image family to be used as a base image to run Packer build.
license string No VM image license name to be attached - for Marketplace it should match an exisiting VM solution name.
image_family string No The image family set to the final image.

For example:

  "license": "imagebuilder-test",
  "source_image_family": "debian-11",
  "chef": {
    "run_list": [ "sample-app" ]