
Terraform code to make the Google Cloud Platform to Datadog log collection integration easier.

APACHE-2.0 License


Log Collection Integration - Google Cloud Platform to Datadog

This Terraform module automates the integration between Google Cloud Platform and Datadog for Log collection, making the process faster and more efficient. It builds upon the foundational overview provided in the official Datadog guide. The module simplifies integration, accelerates implementation, and addresses essential security considerations for a successful observability strategy.

While this module provides security foundational principles, it's essential to note that in highly sensitive or production Google Cloud environments, additional layers of security and design principles should be thoughtfully analyzed and applied to uphold the highest standards of data protection and security principles (e.g. Utilize a bucket for TF state backup and encryption, egress traffic flow analysis, apply the module across various folders, disruption analysis, etc).

These deployment scripts are provided 'as is', without warranty. See Copyright & License.

Solution diagram

Resources created

  • google_logging_folder_sink OR google_logging_project_sink: Logs forwarder from Google Cloud Logging to Pub/Sub.
  • google_pubsub_topic & google_pubsub_subscription: Service that handles the Logs sent by Cloud Logging and delivers it to Dataflow.
  • google_secret_manager_secret & google_secret_manager_secret_version: Used to store the Datadog API Key in a secure way.
  • google_dataflow_job: Create the Dataflow worker machines (Compute Engine) and generate a Dataflow job to pull logs from Pub/Sub subscription and export it to Datadog.
  • google_storage_bucket: Used to store Dataflow temporary files.
  • google_compute_region_network_firewall_policy_rule: Used to allow traffic from Dataflow workers private IP's to Datadog.
  • google_compute_firewall: Used to allow internal traffic between Dataflow worker machines.
  • google_compute_router: Used to serve as the control plane for network packets and to be attached to Cloud NAT.
  • google_compute_router_nat: Required for outbound connections to the internet for the Dataflow private IP's workers - IMPORTANT: Take into account that if you already have virtual machines (VMs) in the same subnet as the one that Cloud NAT will use, those VMs will have outbound connectivity too.

Note: It's recommended to utilize a distinct project specifically for the deployment of all resources related to this integration.


  • A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) - Required in the 'vpc_name' input variable.

  • A network subnet attached to the VPC with Private Google Access enabled (Resources will be created in the subnet's region) - Required in the 'subnet_name' input variable.

  • Datadog API Key - Required in the 'datadog_api_key' input variable

  • Your Datadog Logs API URL (You can find it here, ensure the site selector on the right part of the page is the correct for your Datadog site) - used in the 'datadog_site_url' input variable

  • A pre-selected inclusion filter for the logs you want to be sent to Datadog - IMPORTANT: To make the filter works using Terraform you must use unquoted filters.

    Instead of this:

    resource.type="gce_instance" AND protoPayload.methodName="v1.compute.instances.stop"

    Use this:

    resource.type=gce_instance AND protoPayload.methodName=v1.compute.instances.stop

    If your desired filter is too complicated, start with a basic one or an empty one (inclusion_filter = ""). After running 'Terraform apply', you can easily adjust the filter in the sink configs manually.


Fill the main.tf file with your input variables and from the root folder of this repo (where the main.tf file exists) run the terraform init, plan, and apply commands.

Use a Log sink at the folder level

module "datadog-integration" {
  source                    = "./gcp-datadog-module"
  project_id                = "my-gcp-project-id"
  dataflow_job_name         = "datadog-export-job"
  dataflow_temp_bucket_name = "my-temp-bucket"
  topic_name                = "datadog-export-topic"
  subscription_name         = "datadog-export-sub"
  vpc_name                  = "vpc-name"
  subnet_name               = "subnet-name"
  subnet_region             = "us-east1"
  datadog_api_key           = "ab1c23d4ef56789a0bc1d23ef45ab6789"
  datadog_site_url          = "https://http-intake.logs.us5.datadoghq.com"
  log_sink_in_folder        = true
  folder_id                 = "123456789012"
  inclusion_filter          = "resource.type=gce_instance AND protoPayload.methodName=v1.compute.instances.stop"

Use a Log sink at the project level

module "datadog-integration" {
  source                    = "./gcp-datadog-module"
  project_id                = "my-gcp-project-id"
  dataflow_job_name         = "datadog-export-job"
  dataflow_temp_bucket_name = "my-temp-bucket"
  topic_name                = "datadog-export-topic"
  subscription_name         = "datadog-export-sub"
  vpc_name                  = "vpc-name"
  subnet_name               = "subnet-name"
  subnet_region             = "us-east1"
  datadog_api_key           = "ab1c23d4ef56789a0bc1d23ef45ab6789"
  datadog_site_url          = "https://http-intake.logs.us5.datadoghq.com"
  inclusion_filter          = ""


Variable Name Type Description Default Value Example
project_id string The ID of the Google Cloud project. "my-gcp-project"
subnet_region string Region of the existing subnet, all the resources will be created in this region. "us-central1"
dataflow_job_name string Dataflow job name "datadog-export-job" "export-job"
dataflow_temp_bucket_name string GCS Bucket to write Dataflow temporary files. Must start and end with a letter or number. Must be between 3 and 63 characters. "temp-files-dataflow-bucket-" "my-temp-bucket"
topic_name string Name of the Pub/Sub Topic to receive logs from Google Cloud. datadog-export-topic "my-datadog-topic"
subscription_name string Name of the Pub/Sub subscription to receive logs from Google Cloud. datadog-export-sub "my-datadog-subscription"
vpc_name string Name of the VPC used for Dataflow Virtual Machines. "my-dataflow-vpc"
subnet_name string Name of the subnets used for Dataflow Virtual Machines. "my-subnet-name"
datadog_api_key string Datadog API Key for integration. "ab1c23d4ef56789a0bc1d23ef45ab6789"
datadog_site_url string Datadog Logs API URL, it depends on the Datadog site region (see Datadog documentation). "https://http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com"
log_sink_in_folder boolean Set to true if the Log Sink should be created at the folder level. false true
folder_id string Folder ID where the Log Sink should be created. Set to null if not in a folder. "" "123456789012"
inclusion_filter string Inclusion filter to be used by the Log sink for the logs to be forwarded to Datadog. "" "resource.type=gce_instance AND resource.labels.project_id=my-project-id"


Output Name Description Value
dataflow_job_name The name of the created Dataflow job. google_dataflow_job.pubsub_stream_to_datadog.name
temp_files_bucket_name The name of the created temporary files bucket. google_storage_bucket.temp_files_bucket.name
datadog_topic_name The name of the created Pub/Sub topic. google_pubsub_topic.datadog_topic.name
datadog_subscription_name The name of the created Pub/Sub subscription. google_pubsub_subscription.datadog_topic_sub.name

Additional Considerations

  • Customization: The module is flexible and allows you to customize various aspects of the integration. Your specific Google Cloud organization might have unique requirements, so you may need to adjust the code to suit your particular situation (e.g., deploying the log sink across multiple folders or at the organization level, use a different solution for API key store, etc.)



  • If the Dataflow job fails with a "Workflow failed. Causes: There was a problem refreshing your credentials" error, rerun "terraform apply"
  • If you receive errors about API's not being used/enabled in your project, wait some minutes and rerun "terraform apply"