
The ZetaSQL Toolkit is a library that helps users use ZetaSQL Java API to perform SQL analysis for multiple query engines, including BigQuery and Cloud Spanner.

APACHE-2.0 License


ZetaSQL Toolkit

The ZetaSQL Toolkit is a library that helps users use ZetaSQL Java API to perform SQL analysis for multiple query engines.

This toolkit offers built-in support for:

  • Building catalogs using BigQuery and Cloud Spanner resources.
    Supports tables, views, functions, table-valued functions and procedures. Connections and models coming soon.
  • Analyzing queries and scripts using the BigQuery or Cloud Spanner feature
  • Analyzing scripts that perform DDL.
  • Analyzing scripts that declare and use variables.

It also includes tooling to understand column-level lineage in analyzed queries.

Quickstart for BigQuery

When analyzing queries using BigQuery semantics, you need to:

  1. Create a BigQueryCatalog and add resources to it. The BigQueryCatalog
    supports tables, views, functions, table-valued functions and procedures. Connections and models coming soon.
  2. Configure the ZetaSQL AnalyzerOptions using the BigQuery feature set.
  3. Use ZetaSQLToolkit.analyzeStatements() to perform analysis.

BigQuery dependency



String query =
    "INSERT INTO `bigquery-public-data.samples.wikipedia` (title) VALUES ('random title');\n"
    + "SELECT title, language FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.wikipedia` WHERE title = 'random title';";

// Create a BigQueryCatalog
// By default, it will use the BigQuery API with application-default credentials
// to fetch BigQuery resources.
BigQueryCatalog catalog = new BigQueryCatalog(/*bqProjectId=*/"bigquery-public-data");

// Add resources to the catalog
// After a resource is added, it will be available when ZetaSQL perform analysis

// Configure the analyzer options using the BigQuery feature set
AnalyzerOptions options = new AnalyzerOptions();

// Use the ZetaSQLToolkitAnalyzer to run the analyzer
// It results an iterator over the resulting AnalyzedStatements
ZetaSQLToolkitAnalyzer analyzer = new ZetaSQLToolkitAnalyzer(options);
Iterator<AnalyzedStatement> statementIterator = analyzer.analyzeStatements(query, catalog);

// Use the resulting AnalyzedStatements
statementIterator.forEachRemaining(analyzedStatement -> {


| +-TableScan(table=bigquery-public-data.samples.wikipedia, ...)
| +-InsertRow
|   +-value_list=
|     +-DMLValue
|       +-value=
|         +-Literal(type=STRING, value=string_value: "random title")

| +-bigquery-public-data.samples.wikipedia.title#1 AS `title` [STRING]
| +-bigquery-public-data.samples.wikipedia.language#3 AS `language` [STRING]
    +-column_list=bigquery-public-data.samples.wikipedia.[title#1, language#3]
        | +-TableScan(table=bigquery-public-data.samples.wikipedia, ...)
          +-FunctionCall(ZetaSQL:$equal(STRING, STRING) -> BOOL)
            +-ColumnRef(type=STRING, column=bigquery-public-data.samples.wikipedia.title#1)
            +-Literal(type=STRING, value=string_value: "random title")

Quickstart for Cloud Spanner

Similarly, when analyzing queries using Spanner semantics, you need to:

  1. Create a SpannerCatalog and add resources to it. The SpannerCatalog
    supports tables and views.
  2. Configure the ZetaSQL AnalyzerOptions using the Spanner feature set.
  3. Use ZetaSQLToolkit.analyzeStatements() to perform analysis

Spanner dependency



String query = "UPDATE MyTable SET column2 = 5 WHERE column1 = ''; SELECT * FROM MyTable;";

// Configure your Cloud Spanner project, instance and database
String spannerProjectId = "projectId";
String spannerInstanceName = "instanceName";
String spannerDatabaseName = "databaseName";

// Create your SpannerCatalog
// By default, it will use the Spanner database client with application-default 
// credentials to fetch resources.
SpannerCatalog catalog = new SpannerCatalog(
    spannerProjectId, spannerInstanceName, spannerDatabaseName

// Add your tables to the catalog
// After a resource is added, it will be available when ZetaSQL perform analysis

// Configure the analyzer options
AnalyzerOptions options = new AnalyzerOptions();

// Use the ZetaSQLToolkitAnalyzer to run the analyzer
// It results an iterator over the resulting AnalyzedStatements
ZetaSQLToolkitAnalyzer analyzer = new ZetaSQLToolkitAnalyzer(options);
Iterator<AnalyzedStatement> statementIterator = analyzer.analyzeStatements(query, catalog);

// Use the resulting AnalyzedStatements
statementIterator.forEachRemaining(analyzedStatement -> {


| +-TableScan(table=MyTable, column_list=MyTable.[column1#1, column2#2])
| +-FunctionCall(ZetaSQL:$equal(STRING, STRING) -> BOOL)
|   +-ColumnRef(type=STRING, column=MyTable.column1#1)
|   +-Literal(type=STRING, value=string_value: "")
    | +-ColumnRef(type=INT64, column=MyTable.column2#2)
          +-Literal(type=INT64, value=int64_value: 5)

| +-MyTable.column1#1 AS `column1` [STRING]
| +-MyTable.column2#2 AS `column2` [INT64]
    +-column_list=MyTable.[column1#1, column2#2]
      +-TableScan(table=MyTable, column_list=MyTable.[column1#1, column2#2])


See a list of comprehensive usage examples here.


This is not an officially supported Google product.

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