
A cryptocurrency Telegram BOT

MIT License


Cryptocurrency Telegram BOT

A Cryptocurrency BOT built with TypeScript, Node, Telegraf and, CoinGecko API.

A Telegram BOT whichs integrates the Telegram API, CoinGecko API and has a lot of cool features. Please read below:

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. BOT Commands
  3. Twitter API Integration
  4. Blacklisted Words


Build the project

npm run build

Set the CRYPTO_COFFEE_BOT_TOKEN ENV variable of your Telegram BOT (in your .env file or command line). You can find your Telegram BOT token via BotFather.

To start the BOT do the below command:

npm start

BOT commands

Price and Stats

/p <coin id> - The <coin id> represents the coin ID e.g. bitcoin and the bot will reply with all of the pricing information. This includes rank, price, 24h high, 24h low, change 24h, volume, market cap, and, ATH.


/cbbi - Displays the CBBI confidence percentage, an indicator to calculate how confident bitcoin has reached its top. More information on the CBBI indicator can be found here: CBBI website


/companies - Will list the total_holdings, total_value_usd, market_cap_dominance and top 3 companies holding Bitcoin.


/twitter - Please see Twitter API Integration

Twitter API Integration

To get started, we need to set a few environment variables for the Twitter API. Within your .env file (or wherever you set your ENV variables) set the following:


You can locate the above within the Twitter Developer Portal under 'keys and tokens'.

Next, we need to setup a list of users to follow. This will allow the Twitter stream to check the user(s) statuses and post their tweets in your group chat in real-time. As we need the user IDs, I would recommend going over to TwitterID paste in the user name you wish to follow e.g. '@foobar' and it will fetch the user ID. Paste the user ID within the ENV variable shown below:

// Single user ID

// Multiple user IDs (Note: NO space between the commas)

Once you have done all of the above, you can start the Twiter stream. Go into your Telegram group chat and use the command below to start the stream:


Blacklisted Words

The BOT allows you blacklist an infinite amount of words to exclude in your Telegram group chat. All you need to do is set the ENV variable BLACKLISTED_WORDS in your .env file. Example usage below:


The BOT will look for the words foo, bar or baz in your group chat remove them accordingly.


More commands including: charts, exchange information indexes, any commands you'd like to see please raise an issue.