
Tool to check BTC and ETH wallet balance. Taken and developed from an open source code. Optimize and add some other functions. Details at

MIT License



DEnigmaCracker is a tool for brute-forcing crypto wallets, sourced and developed from yaron4u's EnigmaCracker by me.

⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️

This script is developed for educational and research purposes only.

By using this code, you agree to the following:

  1. You will not use this code, in whole or in part, for malicious intent, including but not limited to unauthorized mining on third-party systems.
  2. You will seek explicit permission from any and all system owners before running or deploying this code.
  3. You understand the implications of running mining software on hardware, including the potential for increased wear and power consumption.
  4. The creator of this script cannot and will not be held responsible for any damages, repercussions, or any negative outcomes that result from using this script.

If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use or distribute this code.

How it works?

We'll begin by delving into the foundational concepts. Upon establishing a wallet through platforms like Exodus/TrustWallet or similar services, users receive a mnemonic phrase (seed-phrase) comprised of 12 unique words. The selection of words for this passphrase isn't arbitrary; they are derived from a specific lexicon containing 2048 potential words. From this collection, the passphrase words are selected at random (the entire list of these words is accessible HERE). Utilizing this passphrase, an individual has the capability to access their wallet on any device and manage their assets. My application operates by employing brute force techniques to decipher these passphrases.

If EnigmaCracker finds a wallet with a balance, it will create wallets_with_balance.txt file that will contain the info of the discovered wallet.

Upon execution, EnigmaCracker generates a comprehensive log file named Log/enigmacracker_[time].log, which neatly records the entire session history for review and analysis.

Technical Details

Master Seed and Wallet Generation

EnigmaCracker is engineered around the key principle of the Master Seed in cryptocurrency wallet generation, as per the standards described in BIP 32 for Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Wallets. The Python script provided within this repository is designed to create a mnemonic phrase (also known as a seed phrase), which essentially acts as the Master Seed from which all cryptographic keys can be derived.

For a more in-depth understanding of this topic, feel free to explore the detailed documentation available here: BIP 32 wiki.

The Role of Master Seed in EnigmaCracker

The script leverages the bip_utils library to generate a 12-word BIP39 mnemonic. This mnemonic is a human-readable representation of the wallet's Master Seed. This seed is then used to generate seeds for various cryptocurrency wallets, specifically for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), by following the BIP44 protocol that defines a logical hierarchy for deterministic wallets.

Code Workflow:

  1. Seed Generation: The bip() function in the script calls upon the BIP39 protocol to generate a new 12-word mnemonic. This is the first and most crucial step in the HD wallet creation process.

  2. Seed to Wallet Transformation: The functions bip44_ETH_wallet_from_seed and bip44_BTC_seed_to_address take the generated mnemonic and produce the corresponding wallet addresses for Ethereum and Bitcoin, respectively. These addresses are derived from the master seed and follow a deterministic path outlined by BIP44, ensuring that each mnemonic generates a unique and recoverable set of addresses.

  3. Balance Checking: With the generated addresses, the script uses online blockchain explorers through their APIs (Etherscan for Ethereum and for Bitcoin) to check if the generated wallets contain any balance.

  4. Logging Results: If a balance is found, the script writes the mnemonic, the derived addresses, and the wallet balances to a file (wallets_with_balance.txt), preserving the potentially valuable information for further examination.

Through the integration of BIP39 and BIP44 protocols, EnigmaCracker serves as a practical example of how the Master Seed forms the bedrock of cryptocurrency wallets, allowing for a secure, hierarchical structure of key derivation and management.


Clone the repository using:

git clone

Remember to install the required libraries using:

pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Obtain an Etherscan API key following the instructions here.
  2. Navigate to the script's directory and insert your API key in DEnigmaCracker.env:
# In assets/env/DEnigmaCracker.env
ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=[your_api_key_here] <--- Replace with your actual API key


Run DEnigmaCracker from the command line:

cd path/to/DEnigmaCracker


  • The Docker environment provides an isolated and consistent runtime for EnigmaCracker.
  • Ensure that the Docker daemon is running before executing these commands.
  • Adjustments to the script or environment variables require a rebuild of the Docker image for changes to take effect.
  • Modified Script for Docker: The Docker version of EnigmaCracker runs a slightly modified version of the script ( compared to the standalone version. These modifications are specifically tailored for the Docker environment to ensure smooth operation within a container. For instance, any code segments that require GUI interaction or OS-specific commands have been adjusted or removed since Docker containers typically run in a headless (non-GUI) environment.
  • Streamlined Dependencies: The requirements.txt file for the Docker version contains fewer libraries. This is because Docker provides a controlled environment where only the necessary dependencies are included to run the script. This streamlined approach helps in reducing the overall size of the Docker image and improves the efficiency of the script within the container.


Setting up EnigmaCracker on an AWS EC2 instance with your Docker image in Amazon ECR offers improved scalability and reliability for your wallet scanning tasks. This approach provides a streamlined and effective solution to harness EnigmaCracker’s full potential on a powerful cloud platform.

NEW Updates on Version 1.1

  • Handling Sensitive Information: Ensure sensitive information, like the seed, is not logged unnecessarily to avoid security risks.

  • API Rate Limits and Error Handling: Consider implementing a more robust retry mechanism to handle rate limits and API errors.

  • Modularize the Code: Breaking down the script into smaller functions can improve readability and maintainability.

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