
Edge login screens for React Native

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Edge React Native UI

This repo implements a UI layer on top of edge-core-js to provide React Native applications with secure account management in just a small handful of Javascript API calls.

Basic usage for react native mobile application

Edge expects to work with React Native v0.60.0 or greater.

First, add the Edge libraries to your project:

yarn add edge-core-js edge-login-ui-rn

The login UI depends on some extra external native libraries, which you will have to install as well:

  • @react-native-community/datetimepicker v6
  • disklet v0.5
  • edge-core-js v1
  • react-native-email-link v1
  • react-native-gesture-handler v2
  • react-native-linear-gradient v2
  • react-native-localize v2
  • react-native-permissions v3
  • react-native-reanimated v3
  • react-native-safe-area-context (4.5.0+)
  • react-native-share v5 (v7 also works)
  • react-native-svg v12
  • react-native-vector-icons v10
    • Follow the extra installation steps.
    • We use AntDesign, Entypo, MaterialIcons, FontAwesome, FontAwesome5, and SimpleLineIcons.
  • react-native-webview v13
  • rn-id-blurview v1
  • react-native-haptic-feedback v1 (optional)

To initialize the Edge core library, your application needs to mount the MakeEdgeContext component and keep it around for the lifetime of the app. The MakeEdgeContext component will create and manage an EdgeContext object.

You should also wrap your entire application in a LoginUiProvider component, which the login scene needs to display modals, error alerts, and similar floating UI:

import { MakeEdgeContext } from 'edge-core-js'
import { LoginUiProvider } from 'edge-login-ui-rn'
import * as React from 'react'

export const App = props => {
  // Stores the Edge context:
  const [context, setContext] = React.useState()

  return (
        // Get this from our support team:

        // Called when the core is done loading:
      <MainRouterComponent edgeContext={context} />

Now, you can show or hide the LoginScreen component on demand as part of your app's navigation:

import { LoginScreen } from 'edge-login-ui-rn'

export const MainRouterComponent = props => {
  const { edgeContext } = props

  // Stores the Edge account:
  const [account, setAccount] = React.useState()

  // Once the context is ready, we can show the login screen.
  // Once the user logs in, we can show the main app:
  return edgeContext == null ? (
  ) : account == null ? (
  ) : (
    <YourApp edgeAccount={account} />

Feel free to replace this MainRouterComponent example with a proper routing library such as react-navigation.

You can use the account object to create and restore wallet private keys:

async function getAppPrivateKey (account) {
  // Find the first Ethereum wallet in the account:
  const edgeWalletInfo = account.getFirstWalletInfo('wallet:ethereum')

  // If an Ethereum wallet already exists, return its key:
  if (edgeWalletInfo != null) {
    return edgeWalletInfo.keys.ethereumKey

  // There are no Ethereum wallets, so make one:
  const keys = {
    ethereumKey: new Buffer(secureRandom(32)).toString('hex')
  const walletId = await account.createWallet("wallet:ethereum", keys)
  const edgeWalletInfo = account.walletInfos[walletId]
  return edgeWalletInfo.keys.ethereumKey

The edge-login-ui-rn library does a bunch of account initialization before it calls onLogin. If you don't want this work to delay showing your application, consider passing the fastLogin flag to skip these steps. If you do pass the fastLogin flag, you will need to finish the initialization work yourself, once you app is displayed:

  • Call refreshTouchId(account) to ensure that biometric logins will work correctly.
  • Call showNotificationPermissionReminder to request notification permissions. We need these for our IP validation and 2FA features to be secure.
  • Optionally call showOtpReminder to remind the user to turn on 2-factor authentication.
  • Call hasSecurityAlerts to see if there are pending login requests from other devices. If so, you will want to display the SecurityAlertsScreen to handle those.
  • Optionally call watchSecurityAlerts to watch for incoming login requests, and respond by showing the SecurityAlertsScreen.

Adding core plugins

If you want full wallet functionality, with balances, transactions, and so forth, you need to add one or more currency plugins to your app. To do this, first use NPM to install one of our plugin libraries, such as edge-currency-accountbased for Ethereum.

Each plugin library includes a JavaScript bundle that needs to be integrated into your native application. To do this on Android, add a prepare script to your app's package.json file that copies the file node_modules/edge-currency-accountbased/lib/react-native/edge-currency-accountbased.js into your android/app/src/main/assets/ folder. For iOS, open your App in Xcode and drag the edge-currency-accountbased.js file into the Resources section of your project.

Finally, you need to tell the Edge core about these plugins. You do this by passing the location of the plugin JS bundle, as well as a config object that specifies which currencies to activate:

    'ethereum': true,
    'eos': false

  // Other properties from earlier...

Sample React Native App repo

See a sample implementation at edge-login-ui-rn-demo

Package Rankings
Top 11.92% on Npmjs.org
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