
Client Record Management - CURD OPs + Blazor Web Assembly with Standalone App

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ASP.NET Core Blazor Data Binding and Forms Overview


This repository demonstrates key concepts in ASP.NET Core Blazor, focusing on data binding and forms. You'll learn how Blazor handles data binding between Razor components and DOM elements, along with an overview of working with forms and form submission.

Data Binding in Blazor

Blazor allows for powerful data binding features using the @bind directive. You can bind Razor component fields, properties, and expressions to various HTML elements.

Example of Data Binding

In the example below, we bind an <input> element to both a field and a property.

@page "/bind"


<h1>Bind Example</h1>

        <input @bind="inputValue" />

        <input @bind="InputValue" />

    <li><code>inputValue</code>: @inputValue</li>
    <li><code>InputValue</code>: @InputValue</li>

@code {
    private string? inputValue;
    private string? InputValue { get; set; }
  • @bind handles updating fields or properties when an element loses focus, allowing for real-time data reflection in the UI.
  • @bind also composes with HTML attributes, as seen in the example below, which demonstrates manual binding using the onchange event.

Manual Binding Example

@page "/bind-theory"

<PageTitle>Bind Theory</PageTitle>

<h1>Bind Theory Example</h1>

        Normal Blazor binding: 
        <input @bind="InputValue" />

        Demonstration of equivalent HTML binding: 
        <input value="@InputValue"
            @onchange="@((ChangeEventArgs __e) => InputValue = __e?.Value?.ToString())" />

    <code>InputValue</code>: @InputValue

@code {
    private string? InputValue { get; set; }

This example manually binds InputValue to the onchange event of the <input> element, which updates the property when the user changes focus. Blazors @bind directive handles these details automatically.

Custom Event Binding

Blazor supports binding to specific DOM events. For example, you can use @bind:event="input" to trigger the binding when the oninput event is fired, allowing for real-time updates as the user types.

Forms in Blazor

Blazor includes rich support for forms, making it easy to handle form submission, validation, and data binding to models.

Form Example

@page "/starship-plain-form"
@inject ILogger<StarshipPlainForm> Logger

<form method="post" @onsubmit="Submit" @formname="starship-plain-form">
    <AntiforgeryToken />
            <InputText @bind-Value="Model!.Id" />
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>

@code {
    private Starship? Model { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized() => Model ??= new();

    private void Submit()
        Logger.LogInformation("Id = {Id}", Model?.Id);

    public class Starship
        public string? Id { get; set; }

Key Features

  • The form is submitted using a method defined in the @onsubmit handler.
  • Data binding to form elements is done using built-in Blazor components, such as InputText.
  • The model is passed using [SupplyParameterFromForm], and any matching form data is automatically bound to the model properties.

Best Practices

  • Always use the @formname directive to give each form a unique name for Blazor's form processing logic.
  • Use built-in components from the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms namespace to handle input and validation.

Antiforgery Support

Blazor forms support antiforgery token generation, ensuring secure form submissions.

For more details, refer to the official ASP.NET Core Blazor documentation.

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