
Bootstrap carousel that can lazy-load it's images.

MIT License


ember-cli-bootstrap3-carousel GitHub version

This addon can create a basic Bootstrap3 carousel that can lazy-load images. See the Bootstrap3 Carousel documentation for additional information.


The demonstration web application can be found here: http://ember-cli-bootstrap3-carousel.cybertooth.io/.

What Does This Addon Do?

This addon supplies the following components:

  • twbs-carousel - a container-like element for the carousel's slides.
  • twbs-carousel/slide - a component representing a slide that is nested
    inside a twbs-carousel.
  • twbs-carousel/slide/img - a component generating an html <img> tag
    that has the ability to be lazily loaded by the carousel's slide event.

The following mixin also ships with this addon:

  • Carousel - imported as import Carousel as 'ember-cli-bootstrap3-carousel/mixins/carousel' and includes all
    of the carousel options as found in the Bootstrap documentation.

Further information about these items can be found in the Usage section below.


  • Ember >= 2.3.0: This addon uses the hash helper which was introduced in Ember-2.3.0.
  • Ember CLI
  • You must have Bootstrap 3.x installed in your Ember application. Feel free to use the
    addon to setup Bootstrap if you haven't already done so.


The following will install this addon:

$ ember install ember-cli-bootstrap3-carousel

As mentioned, you must install Bootstrap3 along with the tooltip plugin. See the requirements section above.


When working through the Ember upgrade process, I recommend invoking the ember install ember-cli-bootstrap3-carousel command once you are done to get the latest version of the addon.


As mentioned above there are several examples on the demonstration site: http://ember-cli-bootstrap3-carousel.cybertooth.io/



A component that creates the <div class="carousel> element.

The reason this addon requires Ember-2.3.0+ is because this particular component uses the hash helper.

  • All of the properties listed in the Carousel mixin.
  • onSlide - the property that accepts an action closure hooked to the bootstrap slide.bs.carousel event.
  • onSlid - the property that accepts an action closure hooked to the bootstrap slid.bs.carousel event.

(Check out the demo...)







A mixin that provides access to all of the Bootstrap carousel options as found here: http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#carousel-options

  • interval - Default 5000
  • keyboard? (aliased to keyboard) - Default true
  • pause - Default "hover"
  • wrap? (aliased to wrap) - Default true
  • computedOptions() - returns a hash containing the options from this mixin
    that are used to initialize the Bootstrap popover.

Troubleshooting And Tips

  1. Ember-2.3.0+ is required because this addon uses the hash helper.
  2. Bootstrap3 CSS and the tooltip Javascript plugin must be installed.

Ember Addon Building And Testing


  • git clone [email protected]:cybertoothca/ember-cli-bootstrap3-carousel.git
  • npm install
  • bower install

Running The Dummy Application

Running Addon Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:testall to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server

Building The Addon

  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://ember-cli.com/.

Linking This Addon For Local Testing


  1. From the command line at the root of this project run the
    npm link command to link this addon within your local
    node repository.
  2. From the other Ember project that you wish to test this addon
    in, execute the following command:
    npm link ember-cli-bootstrap3-carousel.
  3. Now in that same other Ember project, you should go into the
    package.json and add the ember addon with the version *. It will
    look something like this: "ember-cli-bootstrap3-carousel": "*". Now
    when/if you execute npm install on this other project it
    will know to look for the linked addon rather than fetch it from
    the central repository.


  1. Remove the addon from your local node repository with the following
    command (that can be run anywhere):
    npm uninstall -g ember-cli-bootstrap3-carousel
  2. Remove the reference to the ember-cli-bootstrap3-carousel
    in your other project's package.json.
  3. Run an npm prune and bower prune from the root of your other project's command line.

Deploying The Dummy Application

Make sure your ~/.aws/credentials file has a profile named cybertooth with a valid key and secret,

aws_access_key_id = <KEY>
aws_secret_access_key = <SECRET>

Deploy by invoking the following command: ember deploy production

Confirm your changes are showing up in our S3 container: http://ember-cli-bootstrap3-carousel.cybertooth.io/