
A simplified to-do list application in vanilla JavaScript that allows users to organize tasks.


To-do List

Live Link

Visit the To-do List to get started


  • Functional programming
  • Principles of Object-oriented design
  • Code organization with ES6 modules in Javascript
  • Using Webpack for compiling Javascript modules
  • DOM manipulation


The todo list application organizes a user's tasks in items and projects. To create a todo list, click on the Add task button or the Quick Add Task in the navigation bar. The task is created by filling the input fields in the modal that appears. On first visit, users' tasks are saved to a default project. Users can however create new projects from the sidebar. The modal provides options to assign tasks to a project. All tasks and projects are stored in Local Storage.


  • Internet Connection
  • Git GUI
  • An Integrated Development Environment
  • Chrome and Firefox. Partial support is available on Safari. Internet Explorer is not supported.
  • Node Package Manager (NPM)

Tools/Built With

  • JavaScript ES6
  • Webpack
  • Bootstrap
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • NPM

Getting Started

  • To get started with the app, clone this project by running git clone
  • Run npm install to install the needed packages and dependencies
  • A development tool is included in the npm script. Run npm start to fire up a local server with live reloading.
  • If not already redirected, visit http://localhost:8080/ in your browser to use the Todo List with dev server.
  • Open the directory in your preferred IDE to view source files
  • Alternatively, open the index.html file in the ./dist folder to launch the application in your browser.
  • To terminate the server, enter Ctrl + C in your terminal


Run npm test to test the Todo List application


  Ubong George

Yusif Badmus


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Available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.