
Vue json based table with bootstrap3

MIT License



Vue json based table with bootstrap3 Live Demo

  • very easy to use, ready out of the box
  • filters
  • checkbox
  • aggregations like sum, avg, min, max
  • pagination
  • group by
npm install --save vue-tmx


  import Vue from 'vue'
  import tmx from 'vue-tmx'

  new Vue({
    components: {
      tmx: tmx,
      modal: modal,
    data: {
      table: [/*My amazing data*/]

You must use with bootstrap3 css, or send a pull request with other frameworks :)

  <tmx :data="table" />

With modals

  import {modal} from 'vue-transform'
  <modal /> 

modal tag only one time in your app in any place


  • data
    • type: Array
    • default: none
    • description: if nothing is passed it will display loading icon, otherwise table data
  • fields
    • type: Array
    • default: none
    • description: Field description, if nothing is passed it will deduce based on your data
    • items (object):
      • id
        • type: String
        • default: ''
        • description: Field key inside the data json
      • label
        • type: String
        • default: use same than id
        • description: Field label
      • format
        • type: String
        • default: string
        • description: boolean, integer, number, date, string
      • icon
        • type: String
        • default: ''
        • description: One of vue-awesome icons
      • button
        • type: String
        • default: ''
        • description: One of bootstrap3 buttons types, like success, danger, warning, ...
      • click
        • type: Function
        • default: none
        • description: button click method
      • static
        • type: Boolean
        • default: true
        • description: Field should be static or contain an input?
  • sort
    • type: Boolean
    • default: false
    • description: is sortable?
  • rows
    • type: Number
    • default: 0
    • description: Rows per page, 0 means without pagination
  • search
    • type: Boolean
    • default: false
    • description: is search bar visible?
  • filter
    • type: Boolean
    • default: false
    • description: is filter button visible?
  • group
    • type: Boolean
    • default: false
    • description: is group button visible?
  • aggregate
    • type: Boolean
    • default: false
    • description: is aggregations visible?
  • download
    • type: Object
    • default: none
    • description: Download button info, if nothing passed no download button will be shown
    • props:
      • json
        • type: Boolean
        • default: false
        • description: false means type = csv, true means type = json
      • ident
        • type: Number
        • default: 2
        • description: Identation for json
      • field
        • type: String
        • default: \t
        • description: Field separator on csv
      • line
        • type: String
        • default: \n
        • description: New line on csv
      • header
        • type: Boolean
        • default: true
        • description: Show header on csv
      • file
        • type: String
        • default: download
        • description: file name on download
  • methods
    • type: Array
    • default: []
    • description: Array of user defined methods
    • items (object):
      • button
        • type: String
        • default: ''
        • description: One of bootstrap3 buttons types, like success, danger, warning, ...
      • icon
        • type: String
        • default: ''
        • description: vue-awesome icon
      • label
        • type: String
        • default: ''
        • description: Button label
      • click
        • type: Function
        • default: none
        • description: on click function
  • icon
    • type: String
    • default: ''
    • description: vue-awesome icon before table title
  • label
    • type: String
    • default: ''
    • description: table title


We need help! Our goals are:

  • Separate classes and styles in order to add more css frameworks
  • Change props api in order to correctly support other css frameworks
  • Add more css frameworks like bootstrap4, bulma and foundation
  • Separate as plugin functions like sort, filter, group, etc
  • More language support
  • Add tests
  • More usage examples and better home page
  • Add support to most browsers