
React.js and Spring REST CRUD Admin


React.js and Spring Data REST - CRUD

CRUD application with security enabled: a PoC with ReactJS in the frontend and Spring Data REST in the backend.

🚀 Stack

  • Backend: Java 17 LTS, Spring Boot 3 (web, security, JPA),
    Postgres / H2 (or whatever DB is compatible with JPA).
  • Frontend: ReactJS, React Router, Bootstrap,
    Axios, Reactstrap, Node 18 / Npm / Webpack (build).

⚙️ Requirements

  • JDK 17+
  • Maven 3+, or you can use the script ./mvnw instead that it will install
    Maven 3.9 in the user space automatically if the required version isn't there

To build the web assets the project uses Node.js, Webpack, ... but all of them are installed and triggered by Maven automatically in the user space.

🎮 Usage

Launch the application with:

$ mvn spring-boot:run

Or use ./mvnw instead of mvn (mvnw.cmd for Window platforms).

Then access the application with http://localhost:8080/, or access to the API with http://localhost:8080/api/.

One of the users to access the app with privileged permissions is frodo@local, and the password admin. Check and edit the initial dataset in the DatabaseLoader.java file.

If you access the API through the HAL browser, it will require to sign-in like with the dash panel using a web page provided by Spring Security, but if you are going to consume the API with a 3rd party tool you will need to authenticate using HTTP Basic Authentication, eg. with curl the Authorization: Basic ... header can be generated using the -u user:pass argument:

$ curl -u gf@local:admin http://localhost:8080/api/users

🌶 Hot reloading

To edit Javascript or CSS resources and see the changes in the browser without the need to re-launch the application, execute within a command line:

$ npm run watch

And leave it running (if it doesn't work, try with target/node/npm run watch).

📦 Packaging

Pack the application in a single .jar with all the dependencies and the web server with:

$ mvn package

Add the argument -Dmaven.test.skip if you don't want to run the tests before packaging.

Then you can run the .jar with:

$ java -jar target/app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

⏯ Tests

For now only a test that checks that the spring context can be loaded is in the source code. Execute with:

$ mvn test

A GitHub Action workflow is configured as well as CI environment, check out maven.yml.


For now there are two versions, each one with its own branch:

  • master: main version with an in-memory database (H2) to quickly
    launch the application without the need of a database installed (local tests).
  • postgres: modified version with PostgreSQL configured,
    ready for "production" usage.


Source code: https://github.com/mrsarm/spring-react-crud


  • Mariano Ruiz <mrsarm (at) gmail>

The goal was to learn React and using Spring as backend, so I started following this guide from Spring.io (Greg Turnquist and other authors from Pivotal), but I ended up rewriting almost all from scratch and adding a lot of features, like Bootstrap, client side validations, routing, updating dependencies to major versions ...

2015-2023 | Apache-2.0