
WP Basic Bootstrap is a full "101" Wordpress theme built with the Bootstrap framework and the Font Awesome images font, ready to build a responsive and accessible blog or to be modified to build your own theme.

OTHER License


WP Basic Bootstrap - A 101 Wordpress theme ready for modern web


WP Basic Bootstrap is a full "101" Wordpress theme built with the Bootstrap framework and the Font Awesome images font, which implements all features of Wordpress version 4+ and is ready to build a responsive and accessible blog or to be modified to build your own theme.

The theme is built using the Wordpress best practices:

  • its takes advantage of the customizer panel of the Wordpress' backend to let user
    choose the best rendering with a lot of options concerning styles, templates and
  • it supports all theme features such as
    post formats, header and background customization, thumbnails, HTML5 markup,
    sidebars, navigation menus and sticky posts;
  • it implements its templates to follow the template hierarchy
    of Wordpress;
  • it uses internal hooks to plug its rendering options;
  • it implements its own hooks to easily customize its features;
  • it is ready for translations;
  • its code follows the Wordpress
    and PSR coding standards.

The theme can be used out of the box for a personal blog, but can also be a robust and well-coded basis to build your own themes (see the license section of this file to learn about commercial usage).

Installation as a theme

  1. In your admin panel, go to "Appearance > Themes" and click the "Add New" button.
  2. Type in "Basic Bootstrap" in the search form and press the "Enter" key on your keyboard.
  3. Click on the "Activate" button to use your new theme right away.
  4. Navigate to "Appearance > Customize" in your admin panel and customize to taste.

NOTE - For those who are Composer users, the package is registered as picas/wp-basic-bootstrap.

Installation with a child theme

To use this theme as a parent of a child theme, you can begin your child theme with the following style.css file:

Theme Name:     My Child Theme
Template:       wp-basic-bootstrap

The parent theme (this original theme) must be installed.

Installation as a basis to build your own theme

If you want to use this theme as a basis to modify, you may register the original repository URL as a GIT remote.

In the example below, let's say your own theme is hosted at http://github.com/user/my-theme:

mkdir my-theme && cd $_
git init .
git remote add origin https://github.com/user/my-theme.git
git remote add upstream https://github.com/e-picas/wp-basic-bootstrap.git

This way, you will be able to make your commits to your own theme and push them to your own repository:

touch readme.txt
git add readme.txt
git commit -m "this is a fake commit"
git push --set-upstream origin master

And you will be able to update your basis with its last commits (eventually):

git fetch upstream
git merge --no-ff --no-commit upstream/master
git status
git commit


Various documentations are available (as plain text Markdown files) in the directory of this repository.

Copyright & License

WP Basic Bootstrap, Copyright 2016 Pierre Cassat & contributors

The WP Basic Bootstrap theme is distributed under a dual-license:

  • under the terms of the GNU GPL for non-commercial usage
  • under the terms of a commercial license for commercial usage.

Please contact the author for more information about the commercial license.

WP Basic Bootstrap bundles the following third-party resources:

  1. Bootstrap (http://getbootstrap.com/), licensed under MIT

  2. Font Awesome (http://fontawesome.io/), licensed under both MIT for the CSS and SIL OFL 1.1 for the Font

  3. TGM Plugin Activation (http://tgmpluginactivation.com/), licensed under GPL

  4. wp_bootstrap_navwalker (http://github.com/twittem/wp-bootstrap-navwalker), licensed under GPL

  5. WP Template Hierarchy Everywhere (http://github.com/e-picas/wp-template-hierarchy-everywhere), licensed under GPL

The following external WordPress plugins are required or recommended with this theme:

  1. Meta Box to add some specific fields in the admin panel of WordPress for each post formats - required

  2. Bootstrap 3 Shortcodes to take advantage of all Bootstrap's features in posts contents - recommended

  3. Font Awesome Shortcodes to take advantage of the icons font in posts contents - recommended

  4. Multiple Favicons to handle all devices icons for your website - recommended

All of these are free plugins and will be handled automatically when enabling the theme in the admin panel.