
Spigot/Paper plugin for custom items drop from specific blocks

MIT License


Enhanced Ores

Enhanced Ores is a Minecraft plugin that allows users to configure custom items to drop from specific blocks with a set drop chance. It also enables the creation and management of regions where these drop mechanics are applied.

Easy management, efficiently and configurably.

Getting Started


To configure the Enhanced Ores plugin, edit the config.yml file located in the plugin's directory. To configure each regions, edit the [region_name].yml located in Regions directory.


  • Database Configuration

    This section configures the database connection parameters used by the plugin to store and retrieve data.

    • dialect - Specifies the database dialect. For example, MySQL8Dialect for MySQL.
    • address - The IP address or hostname of the database server.
    • port - The port on which the database server is listening.
    • database - The name of the database.
    • username - The username used to connect to the database.
    • password - The password used to connect to the database.
        dialect:    MySQL8Dialect
        address:    localhost
        port:       3306
        database:   enhanced_ores
        username:   root
        password:   ""
  • Hibernate Configuration

    This section contains Hibernate-specific settings.

    • show_sql - If set to true, SQL statements will be logged to the console.
    • format_sql - If set to true, SQL statements will be formatted.
    • sql_comments - If set to true, SQL comments will be included in the logged SQL statements.
        show_sql:       false
        format_sql:     true
        sql_comments:   true


Each region now has its own dedicated configuration file, allowing for independent and more manageable settings. Instead of a single, general config.yml file for all regions, each region's parameters are now stored in its own [region_name].yml file within the Regions directory.

You can now configure multiple items to be dropped within each region. For more details on how to set this up, please refer to the region's configuration file.

  • Example item

    This section configures the item that will be dropped from the specified ores.

    • material - The material type of the item.
    • item-meta - Contains metadata for the item.
    • display-name - The display name of the item.
    • lore - A list of lore lines for the item.
        material: GOLD_NUGGET
            display-name: <!italic><gold>Golden coin
                - <gray>[-] </gray><yellow>Server currency</yellow>
                - <gray>[-] </gray><green>Usage -> </green><dark_green>Paying for plots, buying items.</dark_green>
    • Ores Configuration

      This section specifies which blocks can drop the configured item.

      • ores - A list of blocks from which the item can drop.
          - GOLD_ORE
          - IRON_ORE
          - ...
    • Drop Configuration

      This section configures the drop chance for the item and cooldown.

      • drop-chance - The chance (in percentage) for the item to drop. It can be set as an integer, float, or double. If the value is less than 1, it will be multiplied by 100. The minimum value is 0 (0%) and the maximum value is 100 (100%).
      • cooldown - The time (in milliseconds) required before the same block can be mined again. It can be set as an integer, float, or double.
      drop-chance: 25
      cooldown: 2000


  • Tools Effects Configuration

    This section configures the effects that tools can have on the drop rate of economy items. Effects are based on lore strings that describe the bonuses.

    • translation_ore - This subsection contains translations for different ore names. It maps the names used in lore to the corresponding material types in the game.
    • translation_action - This subsection contains translations for different actions. It maps the names used in lore to the corresponding actions recognized by the plugin.
    # Translations for Ores
        "bryły złota":      "GOLDEN_ORE"
        "żelazna ruda":     "IRON_ORE"
    # Translations for Actions
        "wydobycie":        "drop rate"


  • /eo help Shows all existing commands

  • /eo reload Reloads all configuration files, includes regional configuration files.

  • /eo list Shows all existing regions showing their ID and Name

  • /eo region **check** Checks player's location and searching if any region contains it. If true, sending message with information about ID, Name, World, PointA, PointB of the Region.

  • /eo region **open** < id / name > Opening new session for Player if region exist, if not then the plugin will create a new one with given name.

[!NOTE] When Player has active session his every action, which are [LEFT_CLICK] and [RIGHT_CLICK] will be seen as new points A and B of the Region.

  • /eo region **close** Closes Player's active session.

  • /eo region **remove** < id / name > Removes existing region.

[!TIP] If you are interested in actually knowing if something really works or not. You can always enable 'Devmode' and check new informations in Console.

  • /eo devmode enables / disables devmode.


For questions about Enhanced Ores, first try the Wiki to see if your question is already answered there. If you can't find what you're looking for, contact me via Discord .n.u or ❤ Miciasty ❤

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