
podcast hosting site built for d&d games. may someday see use



A podcast site made specifically for the ExVo D&D games.

That being said, I'll be making it as easy as possible for others to use so feel free :)

Made with Go, Bulma, TypeScript and <3

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are used in the configuration of the system;


    • The host name of the postgres server
    • Defaults to localhost
    • The port of the postgres server
    • Defaults to 5432
    • The username used to connect to postgres
    • Defaults to postgres
    • The password used to authenticate the postgres user
    • Defaults to postgres
    • This name of the database being used for the system
    • Defaults to postgres
    • Flag stating whether or not the connection to postgres should be done with SSL
    • Defaults to false


    • The host name of the ldap server
    • Defaults to localhost
    • The port of the ldap server
    • Defaults to 389
    • The username used to connect to ldap
    • Defaults to cn=admin,dc=naturalvoid,dc=com
    • The password used to authenticate the ldap user
    • Defaults to nv
    • Flag stating whether or not the connection to ldap should be done with SSL
    • Defaults to false


    • This is used to generate a secret key for secrets
    • Defaults to replacethiswithanactualsecretkey
    • A flag stating whether or not the server is being run in a production environment
    • Defaults to false

Development Mode

To develop this project further you'll need to run an LDAP and Postgres server locally.

A docker-compose.yml file has been supplied to set these up, and by default the conf is set to use these.

Run docker-compose up -d and also go run seed.go to pre-populate the test DB with some records.

A user has been set up for the ldap server with the following details;

  • Username: crnbrdrck
  • Password: password

Custom Colouring

It is completely possible to customize the colour scheme for the website by adding a very basic scss file.

In order to colour the website, I come up with a 2 colour scheme. This is expanded to a 5 colour scheme using websites like ColorMind, Coolors, etc.

The 5 colours are then used as light-shade, light-accent, main-brand, dark-accent, and dark-shade. The 2 colours are also set as scheme-primary and scheme-secondary depending on which is your main and which is your secondary colour.

If you look at scss/dread.scss you'll see an example of a colour scheme;

// Set the 5 main colours
$light-shade: #B9ADA9;
$light-accent: #656993;
$main-brand: #2C0047;
$dark-accent: #600;
$dark-shade: #1A141D;

// Set the notification colours
$primary: #2c0047;
$primary-invert: $light-shade;
$info: #19141d;
$info-invert: white;
$success: #427a4d;
$success-invert: white;
$warning: #c06a15;
$warning-invert: white;
$danger: #f44336;
$danger-invert: white;

// Set the primary and secondary colours (they don't have to be from the ones defined above)
$scheme-primary: $main-brand;
$scheme-primary-invert: $light-shade;
$scheme-secondary: $dark-accent;
$scheme-secondary-invert: $light-shade;

@import "./_main.scss"

All you have to do is create an scss file similar to this, name it whatever you want and save it in the scss folder. Then by running npm run css-build, you will get a file in static/css with the same name as the scss file you made.