
A simple Vue.js CRUD frontend backed by localstorage. Great for learning and prototyping - hack it!

MIT License



A simple Vue.js CRUD frontend backed by localstorage. Great for learning and prototyping - hack it!

Built with Vue.js, Vue Router, Vuex, Bulma, & Buefy. Generated with Codotype.

Vuex + Persisted State

All local data is managed in Vuex and persisted in localstorage using the vuex-persistedstate package. Please note that clearning your browser cache will erase any data you enter in the tool. See the Import / Export Data section for more details. The vuex-persistedstate library stores all the local data as a string in window.localstorage.vuex.

All the CRUD operations in the app are encapsulated in a single function that returns a Vuex module. We invoke this function once for each collection we want to manage - you can view that code in store/lib/collectionModule.js.

Import / Export Data

You can import and export .json files containing data created in the app. You can also flush all the data as well. These features are available on the /settings page.

The app expects the data for be formatted like so:

  movies: [
    { id: '1', title: 'The Godfather', director_id: '10' }
    { id: '2', title: 'Back to the Future', director_id: '11' }
  directors: [
    { id: '10', name: 'Francis Ford Coppla' }
    { id: '11', name: 'Robert Zemeckis' }


Directory Structure

The following is a good indication of how the code is organized in the /src directory:

├── App.vue                         // Top-level Vue component
├── components                      // Top-level page components
│   └── Navbar.vue
├── main.js                         // JavaScript entry-point for the app
├── modules                         // The "modules" directory encapsulates many sub-apps, one for each schema
│   ├── main                        // The "main" module contains the "Home" and "Settings" pages
│   │   ├── pages
│   │   │   ├── home
│   │   │   │   └── index.vue
│   │   │   └── settings
│   │   │       └── index.vue
│   │   └── router.js
│   └── schema
│       ├── components              // The schema-module's components used on the CRUD pages
│       │   ├── Detail.vue
│       │   ├── Form.vue
│       │   ├── ListItem.vue
│       │   └── List.vue
│       ├── pages                   // The schema-module's CRUD pages
│       │   ├── edit.vue
│       │   ├── list.vue
│       │   ├── new.vue
│       │   └── show.vue
│       ├── router.js               // The schema-module's routes
│       └── store.js                // The schema-module's Vuex module
├── router.js                       // Initializes Vue Router and imports all module routes
└── store
    ├── index.js                    // Initializes the Vuex store and imports all module stores
    └── lib
        └── collectionModule.js     // Vuex CRUD module

Note that your generated code may contain more or fewer files

Build Setup

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn run build

Run your tests

yarn run test

Lints and fixes files

yarn run lint

Customize configuration See Configuration Reference.