
Monorepo setup for my Svelte side projects



Monorepo setup for the current side projects that I'm working on, made with Svelte and SvelteKit. Self-hosted on a Coolify instance, with Supabase as the backend.

Some of the projects that I plan on adding are simply because I plan on learning in different subjects, which could seem unnecessary for the overall project.

Running locally

In order to run the project locally, there's no need to configure Coolify, as you can simply run a local Supabase instance. You can do so by running:

bunx db:start
# Shortcut for bunx supabase start

This will start the Supabase server locally, using the config.toml file. Once the supabase server is running, you can create a new SQL query (SQL Editor) by copying the contents of the .sql files in the supabase/sql folder. Finally, you'll need to create an .env file for each application that you want to run. Aside from each app-specific .env variables, they all share the same for supabase:


All migrations are stored in supabase/migrations. On starting the database with bunx supabase start, the migrations will be applied automatically. To apply any migrations manually (i.e., after any update) run:

# This URL would work as long as you keep the config as provided. If there's
# any change in the config, you'll have to update the URL accordingly.
# More in the following sections
bunx supabase db push --db-url postgresql://postgres:<postgres-password>@api.coolify.orb.local:54322

In order to know the url and anon key, you can run: bunx supabase status

Running with Coolify

The idea of having Coolify is to simulate a production environment. I'm currently running Coolify's instance on an OrbStack Linux Machine. So, first, create a new Linux machine, which your preferred distro, and install Coolify on it. Finally, you should be able to access the instance at http://<machine-name>.orb.local:8000.

Supabase setup

We'll have to create a Supabase project and create the database for it. A Supabase instance can easily be created as Coolify provides a set of projects that you can use. Therefore, create a new project and a Supabase service afterwards. Once the project is created, update the following configurations:

  • Kong container:
    • Optionally rename the container to Kong or Api
    • Update the link to api.<machine-name>.orb.local.
  • Studio container:
    • Optionally rename the container to Studio
    • Update the link to studio.<machine-name>.orb.local.

If you have already deployed the services, the changes will be reflected once you restart the containers.

In order to be able to run supabase CLI related commands, against the instance, you will have to expose the pg port. In order to do so, modify the docker-compose.yml provided by Coolify, by adding the following lines in the supabase-db container definition:

  - "54322:${POSTGRES_PORT}"

Again, restart the service in case your service was already running. Now, you should be able to run commands such as subapase dump with:

# The SERVICE_PASSWORD_POSTGRES can be found in the Environment Variables
# section of your instance
bunx supabase db dump --db-url postgresql://postgres:${SERVICE_PASSWORD_POSTGRES}@api.<machine-name>.orb.local:54322/postgres

Application setup

In order to run the application locally, you'll simply need to create a new Public Repository service in the project dashboard. Make sure to set main as the branch. Using Nixpacks as an alternative to docker is recommended, as no docker configuration is provided in this repo. Next, you will need to:

  • Optional but recommended: rename the service to Stack - <App name>
  • Update the domain to <app-name>.<machine-name>.orb.local
  • Modify the commands in the General > Build section to:
    • Update the Install command command to bun install --frozen-lockfile --production --ignore-scripts.
      We are ignoring the scripts because they are not needed for the application
      to be executed in production more (prepare script currently only runs
      husky, and therefore it is not required).
    • Update the Build command command to turbo build --ui stream --filter @stack/<app-name>
    • Update the Start command command to bun --cwd apps/<app-name> ./build/index.js
  • Update the port mapping to:
    • Ports exposes: 80
    • Ports mappings: <app-port>:80
  • Update the Environment variables to:
    • PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL: http://api.<machine-name>.orb.local:8000
    • PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY: <anon-key>

Finally, you can deploy the service. Once deployed, you should be able to access it at http://<app-name>.<machine-name>.orb.local.

App ports

Here's the list of the apps and ports in which they are served by default:

App name Port
@stack/finance 3000
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