
各种CMS、各种平台、各种系统、各种软件漏洞的EXP、POC ,该项目将持续更新

GPL-3.0 License



For reasons known to us, the original repository was deleted, but local repo were kept, forks and stars cleared But rest assured, it's still the original recipe, the original taste.

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Education use only

| English

EXP, POC of various CMS, platforms, systems, software vulnerabilities, the project will continually update

Excellent project list

  1. Fastjson RCE https://github.com/dbgee/fastjson-rce
  2. Log4j RCE https://github.com/dbgee/log4j2_rce
  3. redis RCE https://github.com/Ridter/redis-rce
  4. Thinkphp RCE https://github.com/helloexp/0day
  5. Windows RCE https://github.com/smgorelik/Windows-RCE-exploits
  6. shiro deserialization https://github.com/helloexp/0day/tree/master/shiro
  7. VPS2SUSE https://github.com/U2FsdGVkX1/vps2suse
  8. Cassandra code injection https://github.com/QHpix/CVE-2021-44521
  9. Reapoc -- Poc && Vulnerable-Target Storage Box https://github.com/cckuailong/reapoc

Excellent project inclusion If you need to show your excellent work in this projectplease add project address here README-en.md and open pull request

Why start this project

  1. A few months ago, I participated in an AWD offensive and defensive game and found that collecting POC in advance is very good way, and I can learn a lot in the process of collecting these payloads.
  2. Subsequent HW, CTF, or daily infiltration activities can quickly locate and exploit.

Feedback on issues

Any issues about this project you can feed back to meor open pull request directly.

POCEXP contribution

  1. Fork This project to your own github account

  2. Clone repo to your local PC

  3. Modify code at your local pcAdd pocexp Or fix bugs

  4. Push code to your own repo

  5. PR (open pull requests) to this project

    1. Contributions
      readme updatereadme translatebug fixfunction improvementnew features,etc.
    2. starfork to support this project is also grateful