
Simple 3D mesh processing framework with a GUI



A simple GUI testbed for 3D processing and visualization. Cross-platform (Windows, OSX, Linux). Source code is written in C++. Required library for [3D viewer] (http://www.libqglviewer.com/).

Implemented algorithms:

  • Mesh simplification using quadric error
  • Sampling (regular recursive, Monte Carlo, sphere packing, voxels)
  • Skeleton extraction
  • Smoothing (Laplacian, scale-dependent, mean curvature flow)
  • Space partitioning (octree, kdtree)
  • Mesh voxelization*
  • Subdivision (loop, modified butterfly, longest edge)
  • Minimum oriented bounding box (OBB)
  • Coordinates (mean value coordinates, Green coordinates)
  • Curvature* (polynomial fitting, two other implementations)
  • Deformation (As-rigid-as-possible (ARAP), Linear Rotation-Invariant Coordinates, FFD, voxel deformation)
  • Skinning with dual quaternions
  • Colormap
  • *Mesh Browser display 3D thumbnails of all meshes in a folder
  • re-meshing

(Note that there are no GUI tools ready for you to use these. You have to write your own as in the rotation example provided.)