
AMIDE: a Medical Imaging Data Examiner

GPL-2.0 License



AMIDE stands for: AMIDE's a Medical Image Data Examiner

AMIDE is intended for viewing and analyzing 3D medical imaging data sets. For more information on AMIDE, check out the AMIDE web page at:

AMIDE is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL included in the file COPYING.

Instruction manuals can be found here.

Quick Linux instructions

cd /tmp/
git clone --depth=1
# If Ubuntu 22:
sudo apt install libgnomecanvas2-dev libgconf2-dev libmdc2-dev libvolpack1-dev libavcodec-dev gtk-doc-tools intltool libxml2-dev libgsl-dev libdcmtk-dev
# ElseIf Ubuntu 20:
sudo apt install libgnomecanvas2-dev libgconf2-dev libmdc2-dev libvolpack1-dev libavcodec-dev gtk-doc-tools intltool libxml2-dev python-libxml2 libgsl-dev libdcmtk-dev
sudo dpkg -i gnome-doc-utils_0.20.10-5_all.deb
# ElseIf Ubuntu 18:
sudo apt install libgnomecanvas2-dev libgconf2-dev libgnomevfs2-dev gnome-doc-utils libmdc2-dev libvolpack1-dev libavcodec-dev gtk-doc-tools intltool libxml2-dev python-libxml2 libgsl-dev libdcmtk-dev
# EndIf	

cd amide
# If Ubuntu 22:
touch gnome-doc-utils.make
# Else (Ubuntu 18/20 or Fedora32):
# EndIf
autoreconf --install
# If Ubuntu 22:
./configure --prefix /opt/amide --enable-gnome-vfs=no --disable-scrollkeeper --disable-doc 
# ElseIf Ubuntu 20:
./configure --prefix /opt/amide --enable-gnome-vfs=no --disable-scrollkeeper
# Else (Ubuntu 18 or Fedora32):
./configure --prefix /opt/amide
# EndIf

sudo mkdir -p /opt/amide
sudo chown $USER /opt/amide/
make install

For system-wide install, do not use a prefix when running ./configure, and then just:

sudo make install


  1. Compiler:

I currently use gcc-6.3. The later 3.* series (e.g. 3.3) should work as well, along with version 2.95. Early 3.* Versions of gcc will quite likely generate compilation errors (and make AMIDE unstable) if optimizations are used when compiling.

  1. GTK+:

The current series of AMIDE requires GTK+-2, at least version 2.16. I'm currently developing on a Fedora Core 24 system, although other distributions of Linux with equivalent library support should work.

Scrollkeeper is required for generating the help documentation. If you don't care about that, it's not needed.

  1. Additional libraries:
    libgnomeui-2 (not needed on win32)

These are various other libraries are needed for installation, most of which you will most likely already have installed if you have GTK+.

Optional Packages

  1. (X)MedCon/libmdc

(X)MedCon includes a library (libmdc) which allows AMIDE to import the following formats; Acr/Nema 2.0, Analyze (SPM), Concorde microPET, DICOM 3.0, ECAT/Matrix 6/7, InterFile3.3 and Gif87a/89a.

(X)MedCon can be obtained from:

  1. DCMTK - DICOM Toolkit

DCMTK provides expanded support for DICOM files, allowing the reading in of many clinical format DICOM datasets that (X)MedCon doesn't support. Version 3.6.0 is required. It can be downloaded at:

  1. z_matrix_70/libecat

This library can be used as an alternative for importing ECAT 6/7 files, and is released under a fairly restrictive license. It can be found on the AMIDE sourceforge website, or at it's original site:

The source file off of is preferable, as it includes a Makefile which will make a shared library, and a small patch. Since the license for libecat is non-GPL compatible, you really should only link to it as a shared library. A README file is included with the tarball that explains how to configure/compile the library. RPM packages are also available off the AMIDE web site.

  1. volpack/libvolpack

Volpack includes a library (libvolpack) which is used for the optional volume rendering component of AMIDE.

The original version can be found at:

The version available on the AMIDE web site is preferable, as it's been updated to compile cleanly under Linux. RPM packages are also available.

  1. ffmpeg (libavcodec) [alternatively libfame]

Another optional package, the ffmpeg library is used for generating MPEG-1 movies from series of rendered images and for generating fly-through movies.

Information, code, and binaries for ffmpeg can be found at;

and Linux RPM binaries are available at:

If for whatever reasons you do not want to use the ffmpeg package for generating MPEG-1 movies, there is still code in AMIDE for using the libfame package for doing this. Information, code, and binaries for libfame can be found at:

and Linux RPM binaries are available at:


See Quick instructions for Linux above. After running autoreconf, you can also inspect the file INSTALL for info on compiling and installing. If you don't feel like reading that, try:

make install         (as root)

If you're wondering about configuration options, a lot of information can be obtained by running:

./configure --help

Building gtk-doc files

The majority of the source code for AMIDE is structured as a library extension of GTK, called AMITK. Documentation for this library can be built using gtk-doc as follows:

./configure --enable-libdcmdata=no --enable-gtk-doc=yes