
Memory-hard scheme Argon2

OTHER License


Argon2 source code package


Argon2 is the basis for the eventual winner of Password Hashing Competition. The final winner may be different from the current version (1.2.1).


The Argon2 source code package in Source/ includes:

  • Reference C99 & C++11 implementations of the password hashing scheme Argon2


  • Optimized C99 & C++11 implementations of the password hashing scheme Argon2

    make OPT=TRUE

Build result:

  • Argon2 without debug messages
  • Argon2 shared library
  • Argon2 built with the shared library



argon2 -help

Benchmark Argon2d, Argon2id, Argon2i, Argon2ds with different level of parallelism:

argon2 -benchmark

Generate detailed test vectors for type 't', where 't' is one of {Argon2d, Argon2id, Argon2i, Argon2ds}:

argon2 -gen-tv -type t

Check generated test vectors against available test vectors:

./Scripts/ -s=./Source/C++11/

./Scripts/ -s=./Source/C99/

##Library usage

  1. Initialize Argon2_Context structure with
  • address of output buffer (can not be NULL)

  • output length

  • address of password array

  • password length *

  • address of salt array

  • salt length *

  • address of secret/key array

  • key length *

  • address of associated data array

  • associated data length

  • number of iterations *

  • amount of memory in KBytes *

  • number of parallel threads

  • pointer to memory allocator

  • pointer to memory deallocator

  • password erase indicator *

  • secret erase indicator *

  • memory erase indicator *

    All these parameters but the last five affect the output digest. Parameters marked by * are security critical and should be selected according to the specification. Parameters 'number of iterations', 'amount of memory', 'number of parallel threads', and (to some extent) 'memory erase indicator' affect performance.

  1. Select the Argon2 mode that fits the needs. Argon2i is safe against side-channel attacks but is more vulnerable to GPU cracking and memory-reduction attacks than Argon2d (factor 1.5 for memory reduction) and Argon2ds (factor 5 for GPU cracking). Argon2d(s) is recommended for side-channel free environments.

  2. Call 'mode'(context) such as Argon2d(context) and read the output buffer.

Language Bindings

Bindings to the Argon2 library are available in a number of languages


Argon2 source code package is distributed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 License.

Third Party Code

  • Blake 2 source code
  • platform independent endianess detection