
cpm-m3: CP/M-M3 is a port of CP/M-68K to the ARM Cortex-M3 by Roger Ivie




This is a port of CP/M-68K to the ARM Cortex-M3, specifically, the LM3S9D92. It builds under Windows. It is not quite ready for prime time in that there are few applications and no documentation.


Currently, the only supported hardware is the LM3S9D92 microcontroller. Personally, I run it on an EK-LM3S9D92 development kit. Among other things, the microcontroller includes a Cortex-M3 processor, 512K of flash, 96K of RAM, and a UART; other resources are not currently used by the system.


The internal flash is used as a disk; essentially, CP/M-M3 considers the microcontroller to have a built-in 512K floppy. The disk is organized around 4K tracks, matching the erase block size of the flash. Well, technically, the flash has 1K erase block, but there are enough interactions between the blocks that it is easier to consider it as having a 4K erase block. The erase block is managed by having a track cache; the cache is flushed (erasing and reprogramming the flash block) at warm boot or when a disk write requires a different track to be cached.

The first 8 tracks (32KB) are reserved to hold the operating system. At boot time, the processor enters the bootstrap in the reserved area. The bootstrap copies the system in RAM and jumps to it, just like a normal system would.


The TPA resides in the first 64K of RAM, with the upper 32K reserved to hold the system. The base page lives at the bottom of the TPA and occupies the traditional 256 bytes. The entry point of a transient program is passed a pointer to the base page; the program should use this pointer instead of a priori knowledge of the base page location to allow the program to be easily migrated to other CP/M-M3 systems with a different memory layout.

The BDOS is called through a function pointer located in the base page. The current system does not provide a mechanism to call the system via a TRAP instruction. A typical "hello world!" program looks something like this:

#include "cpm.h"
void Entry( cpm_basepage_t *BasePage )
  BasePage->bdos( 9, (unsigned int)"hello world!\r\n$" );

DISCLAIMER: Off-the-cuff code; I haven't run it!

The stack is placed at the top of the TPA and grows downward in the usual manner. System calls execute on the transient program's stack.

Executable Program Format

Executables are a simple memory image like a CP/M-80 .COM file. Unlike a .COM file, they are expected to begin with a 16-byte header containing:

  • A reserved 32-bit longword intended to hold a branch around the header.
  • A 32-bit longword containing a magic number that identifies the processor
    architecture for which the program is intended. For CP/M-M3, this magic
    number is 0x0000334d (i.e., the string "M3").
  • A 32-bit longword containing the address at which the program expects to be
    loaded; that is, the base address of the TPA plus 256 (for the base page).
    For the LM3S9D92 port, this longword is expected to contain 0x20000100.
  • A 32-bit longword containing a function pointer that refers to the program's
    entry point.

NOTE: The .bss section is typically omitted by a C compiler. Since it is not included in the memory image, it is not initialized by CP/M-M3. The program will need to make its own arrangements to initialize the .bss section, if that is necessary.

Building the system

The system builds on Windows.

You'll need the following:

  • Visual Studio for the host tools. I seem to be using Visual Studio
    Express 2013.
  • Code Sourcery for the target programs. I'm using Sourcery CodeBench Lite for
    ARM EABI, version 2013.11-24.

The system is built by executing the build.bat command procedure in the distribution directory in a command window that has executed the vcvarsall.bat (or whatever they're calling it this week) command procedure that prepares the environment for command-line usage of the Visual Studio tools.

If all goes well, the following items are placed in the build directory:

  • cpm.bin, the operating system image.
  • dim.exe, a Windows program that allows manipulation of the disk image (where
    "disk image" means the image to be programmed into the microcontroller's
  • ed.com, the venerable ED editor from CP/M-8K, recompiled for
  • oops.com, a program that sets the registers to known values and causes an
    exception, used to verify that exception handling is working.
  • pip.com, PIP from CP/M-8K compiled for CP/M-M3.
  • stat.com, STAT from CP/M-68K compiled for CP/M-M3.

The disk image manipulator, dim.exe, is a captive version of CP/M-68K built to run as an application under Windows. It manipulates the file romdisk.img, which is the binary image that needs to be burned into the microcontroller's flash. If the image does not exist, it is created.

The CCP of dim.exe has been extended to have a few custom commands:

  • PUTSYS copies the operating system image from a named host file to the
    reserved tracks in the disk image.
  • IMPORT copies a named host file into the disk image.
  • EXPORT copies a named file from the disk image to a host file.
  • EXIT leaves dim, writing the disk image to romdisk.img.

Running the system

You need something that has:

  • An LM3S9D92 microcontroller.
  • A means of attaching UART 0 to some sort of terminal (or terminal emulator)
    running at 115,200 baud.
  • A means of burning romdisk.img into the microcontroller's internal flash.

I use the EK-LM3S9D92 development kit. This kit includes a program called LM Flash Programmer that allows an image to be burned, regardless of the size limits of the included evaluation toolset.


Sadly, the LM3S9D92 processor has gone into "not recommended for new designs" status, which probably makes the dev kits hard to come by.

  • Roger Ivie