
generating problems on RTP streams : latency, delay, jitter



Network impairment server (generating problems on RTP streams : latency, delay, jitter)

This tool can be used anywhere with netfilter and iptables. This is can be very handy when you need to test how an RTP application behaves when facing problems, using scenarios the same problems can be reproduced many times.


apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential libnetfilter-queue-dev

configure firewall

This script will ouput examples of iptables command to pass traffic to the disruptor using netfilter queues

./prepare_firewall.sh server.domain.com

You may have to edit the script if your interfaces names are not wlan0 and/or eth0

start the disruptor

./disruptor -h
-d daemonize
-q nfq queue id
-f scenario file name
-l log level: 0=error, 1=info, 2=notice, 3=debug


./prepare_firewall.sh webrtc.server.com
# execute the returned iptable commands
sudo OUTPUT -d -p all -j NFQUEUE --queue-num 10
# run the disruptor
sudo ./disruptor -f scenario.xml -l 3

XML scenario files example

<?xml version="1.0"?>
       <period duration="5"><action name="loss" rand="10"/></period>
       <period duration="5"><action name="loss" rand="10"/></period>

action: jitter

burst_max : maximum random size of delayed burst in packets
interval_max : maximum random  interval between burst in packets
burst_size : size of delayed burst in packets
interval_size : interval between burst in packets
outoforder : burst out of order

action: loss

rand : percentage of losses to apply on the stream

action: burst_loss

rand : random interval in packets between occurrences
max : random size of the burst (consecutive packets) loss

action: loss_rtcp

rand : percentage loss of RTCP packets