
This is our little game for Game-Jam contest (pray for Timur)


Dante Saviour

This is endless, singleplayer Tower-defence game with creative story!!!

Table of contents

General info

This game introduces us to Dante's servers, which need to be protected from evil UL students, as well as in the game there are civilians who want to go home in peace - you can't kill them! You lose when the bots reach Dante's servers!
This game was written entirely in C, using the SDL library to implement graphics, music, and user interaction. Paint, Photoshop and Gimp were used to draw the models. Music was found by Timur, thanks to him!



  • Duck Hunt
  • Postapo
  • Bloodshed

Technologies and features

Project created with:

  • SDL2, SDL2_mixer, SDL2_ttf and SDL2_image
  • Audacity for music correction
  • Paint and Photoshop for editing photoes
  • Piotr Duch as a moral guide


Just download the recent release and if you use MacOS or Linux-type system just kill urself :)