
Gram's Commander 3 - a dual-pane scriptable file manager for Unix and MS-DOS(!) I wrote back in the 80's.


README for Gram's Commander v3.3

Please read the various .DOC files for full details about gc3.3. The gc3 UNIX manual entry is very terse and really just refers to the doc files as well. The INSTALL.DOC file tells you how to compile and install gc3. The LEGAL.DOC file specifies our respective legal rights. The USER.DOC file describes gc3 from a user's perspective, as well as giving an overview of gc3's behaviour when used with the default script file `gc3.key'. The PROG.DOC describes the GCScript language used by gc3. Note that the USER.DOC and PROG.DOC files are only available with the registered version.

gc3 is also bundled with a utility called sel'. This is similar to the select' utility in 4DOS/NDOS; for UNIX users it is best described as an interactive version of xargs. That is, sel allows you to build a command line by selecting arguments interactively from a list. The list can be given on the command line or read from standard input.

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gc is a window-based file manager program for DOS and UNIX. It is very flexible due to the use of a script language. In fact, gc is really an interpreter for a language called GCScript. Functions written in the script language are assigned to keys, and can be used to do useful things like marking a set of files, applying an operation to a set of marked files, and so on. Easy access to the command shell is provided so that you do not need to quit gc to execute a normal shell command. gc is very useful for file maintenance operations, and for DOS users who are new to UNIX but are familiar with programs like Norton Commander, gc should be a treat (I have been using gc myself under DOS in place of Norton Commander for the last few years, and I prefer it).

If you have problems compiling gc3, or you notice bugs, please mail me a report to [email protected]. I will do my best to deal with these as they are reported. If you can fix a bug and send me a patch, even better. When reporting problems, please specify your hardware, operating system, and compiler, as well as any errors or warnings reported by the compiler. Also, please send a copy of the `site.def' file (which is created by the gcconfig program during installation).

Enjoy! Gram (Graham Wheeler)

========================================================================== OBTAINING THE LATEST VERSION

I maintain a mailing list for gc3 distribution; send me mail if you do not have access to ftp facilities and want to be added to the list. Otherwise the following sites should have the latest or recent versions of gc3:

Site Directory Description

ftp.cs.uct.ac.za pub/misc/gc Computer Science Dept, Univ. of Cape Town ftp.aztec.co.za pub/gram Aztec Public Access Internet

These sites are in South Africa. If you are the moderator of a site in some other country and would be prepared to archive gc3 on your site, then let me know and I'll add you to the list. You will also be added to a mailing list announcing new releases. This is desirable, as there are only two `public' links between South Africa and the continental USA, and none to Europe, so ftp to these sites can be s-l-o-w.