
Small C library to parse HTTP requests

MIT License



Small http message parsing library. Keep in mind that this library only handles parsing the http request into a method, headers and body.


This library makes use of dep to manage it's dependencies and exports.



struct http_parser_event {
  struct http_parser_message *request;
  struct http_parser_message *response;
  struct http_parser_pair *pair;
  struct buf *chunk;
  void *udata;

Represents an event triggered by the http-parser, like a request being detected and ready for processing by the user.

The request of the event represents the http request that the event relates to. Same for the response on the event in relation to the response that is detected. The pair is simply a wrapper around these two entities.

The udata is pulled directly from the pair.

struct http_parser_message {
  int ready;
  int status;
  char *statusMessage;
  char *method;
  char *path;
  char *query;
  char *version;
  struct mindex_t *meta;
  struct buf *body;
  struct buf *buf;
  int chunksize;
  int _state;
  void (*onChunk)(struct http_parser_event*);
  void *udata;

Represents an http message, can be either a request or a response and formatted as such.

struct http_parser_pair {
  struct http_parser_message *request;
  struct http_parser_message *response;
  void *udata;
  void (*onRequest)(struct http_parser_event*);
  void (*onResponse)(struct http_parser_event*);

Simply a wrapper around 2 http_parser_message entities and container for the onRequest and onResponse callbacks


struct http_parser_pair    * http_parser_pair_init(void *udata);

Initializes a pair of messages stored as request and response you can use to send data into that you want to parse and handle requests or responses on.

struct http_parser_message * http_parser_request_init();

Initializes an http_parser_message as a request to be used for parsing or rendering an http request.

struct http_parser_message * http_parser_response_init();

Initializes an http_parser_message as a response to be used for parsing or rendering an http response.

const char * http_parser_meta_get(struct http_parser_message *subject, const char *key);

Fetches a metadata value by the given key from the http_parser_message.

DO NOT call free() on the returned char*, it's a pointer directly into the meta map.

void http_parser_meta_set(struct http_parser_message *subject, const char *key, const char *value);

Sets a metadata value on the given key on the subject. Makes a copy of both the key and the value, so it's still the user's responsibility to free these pointers if needed.

void http_parser_meta_del(struct http_parser_message *subject, const char *key);

Deletes a metadata value on the given key from the subject.

const char * http_parser_header_get(struct http_parser_message *subject, const char *key);

Wrapper around http_parser_meta_get, prefixing the key with header:

void http_parser_header_set(struct http_parser_message *subject ,const char *key, const char *value);

Wrapper around http_parser_meta_set, prefixing the key with header:

void http_parser_header_del(struct http_parser_message *subject, const char *key);

Wrapper around http_parser_meta_del, prefixing the key with header:

void http_parser_request_data(struct http_parser_message *request, const struct buf *data);

Ingests data to parse as a request. Sets the ready field to 1 once a complete request has been detected and parsed.

void http_parser_response_data(struct http_parser_message *response, const struct buf *data);

Ingests data to parse as a response. Sets the ready field to 1 once a complete response has been detected and parsed.

void http_parser_pair_request_data(struct http_parser_pair *pair, const struct buf *data);

Ingests data to parse as a request on the pair's request using http_parser_request_data, and calls the onRequest callback once a complete request has been detected.

void http_parser_pair_response_data(struct http_parser_pair *pair, const struct buf *data);

Ingests data to parse as a response on the pair's response using http_parser_response_data, and calls the onResponse callback once a complete response has been detected.

void http_parser_message_free(struct http_parser_message *subject);

Handles freeing of the allocated memory of a single http-parser message.

void http_parser_pair_free(struct http_parser_pair *pair);

Handles freeing of the allocated memory of a http-parser message pair, including it's request and response, excluding user-data.

const char * http_parser_status_message(int status);

Returns the default status message for a given status number.

struct buf * http_parser_sprint_response(struct http_parser_message *response);

Returns a buffer representing the response as http response.

struct buf * http_parser_sprint_request(struct http_parser_message *request);

Returns a buffer representing the request as http request.

struct buf * http_parser_sprint_pair_response(struct http_parser_pair *pair);

Calls http_parser_sprint_response on the pair's response.

struct buf * http_parser_sprint_pair_request(struct http_parser_pair *pair);

Calls http_parser_sprint_request on the pair's request.

Basic usage

static void onRequest(struct http_parser_event *ev) {
  // The request has been received
  // Answer the request directly or pass it to a route handler of sorts

  // Fetching the request
  // Has been wrapped in http_parser_event to support more features in the future
  struct http_parser_message *request = ev->request;

  // Basic http request data
  printf("Method: %s\n", request->method);

  // Reading headers are case-insensitive due to non-compliant clients/servers
  printf("Host:   %s\n", http_parser_header_get(request, "host"));

  // Once you're done with the request, you'll have to free it yourself

  // Or you can free the whole pair

// Initialize a request/response pair
struct http_parser_pair *reqres = http_parser_pair_init();

// Userdata to be included can be assigned
reqres->udata = (void*)...;

// Trigger function 'onRequest' when the request is ready
reqres->onRequest = onRequest;

// Stored http message
char *message =
  "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
  "Host: localhost\r\n"

// Passing network data into it
http_parser_pair_request_data(reqseq, message, strlen(message));