
Just-Test is your Test-Harness software made in C for C

BSD-2-CLAUSE License

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Just-Test or Jt for short is your test-harness made in C for C, with the goal of making it as easy as possible for C devs to integrate unit testing and test-driven development(TDD) into their workflow.


> How to Build and Use:

  • you can either build the library to use everywhere in the future:
    $> make lib
    $> gcc -o Test MyTestFile.c jt.a
  • Or you can compile it using the makeFile:
      >> change FILE=<path_to_your_file>
      $> make
  • BONUS:
    • you can directly override variables in the makeFile like this:
    $> make FILE=<path_to_your_file>
    • Check LIBASM where I did add Tests for under the Linux Section.

> Structure of a Test file:

  • Your test file must Contain:
    • main with at leats JTEST_START and JTEST_END, which defines the block where you call the tests.
    • You can call induvial TestGroups Using runTest(); or run all tests using runAll();
    • A definition of Jsetup() and Jcleanup(), you can leave them empty if you don't need them.
  • your test file can have multiple testGroups declared.
  • Multiple Assertions to make sure everything works well.

> Test Groups:

  • If you Assertions are for the same purpose consider Grouping them under a TestGroup.
  • Here is a declaration example ensuring the output of the add function:
        ASSERT_INT32_EQU(3, add(1,2));
        ASSERT_INT32_EQU(-5, add(6, -11));
  • TestGroups can be flaged to be ignored and not ran by JTEST, using the optional param IGNORE_TEST:
      TEST_START(AddOutputChecks, IGNORE_TEST)
        ASSERT_INT32_EQU(3, add(1,2));
        ASSERT_INT32_EQU(-5, add(6, -11));

> Assertions:

  • Assertions are your building blocks, they support all generic types for example:
        ASSERT_UINT32_EQU(3, add(1,2));
        ASSERT_INT32_EQU(-5, add(6, -11));
        ASSERT_FLOAT_EQU(3.14, PI);
  • And also supports some useful formats, and types for example:
         ASSERT_HEX_EQU(0x45, 0x43);
         ASSERT_STR_EQU("Hello", s);
  • you can also test your own types using ASSERT_DATA_EQU for example:
        /*More Information Available in the TestExamples.c*/
        typedef struct vector{
          int x;
          int y;
        } _vector;
        _vector v1 = {.x = 0, .y = 6};
        _vector v2 = {.x = 0, .y = 6};
        ASSERT_DATA_EQU(&v1, &v2, cmpVector, printVector);

> Additional Features:

=> Jtest Work on the Standard Error By default making it easier to dump it's output to a log file. => Jtest offers a No-Colors mode to make it well presented in a log file where colors will not show up (check Makefile).

> Contributing:

Contributions are very welcome! Feel free to open issues or pull requests for bug fixes, improvements, or new features.

> Examples:

atoiBase jtestExample