
Old C verison of Labrador-LDPC


Labrador LDPC Library

This is the older and deprecated C version of the Labrador-LDPC library, which is now written in Rust and available here. This version is kept around for posterity, and because the C version is somewhat easier to interoperate. It's still feature complete, has no known bugs, and you're welcome to use it.

This library handles LDPC encoding and decoding. It is designed to be usable on embedded platforms as well as in phone, desktop, or server applications. It can be used completely outside of Labrador if you like, as it doesn't depend on anything else in Labrador: this directory is a self-contained library.

Various LDPC codes of different lengths and rates are available. Functions are available to encode and decode, both when RAM and CPU is abundant and (to some extent) when it is not. No dynamic allocations are performed so the user is entirely in control of the memory profile.

The codes used are specified by the CCSDS and are recommended for space telecommand and telemetry applications.

Quick Summary

This summary contains the basic information on getting started. The subsequent sections have more technical detail.

Pick a Code

You can choose from different code sizes: 8, 16, 32, or 128 bytes of user information. For the 128 byte packets, you can choose code rate 1/2, 2/3, or 4/5; for the other sizes only rate 1/2 is available. The rate means how much coding overhead/redundancy is added when transmitting. Longer codes have higher performance but take longer to transmit so increase latency and might be more susceptible to burst errors. The codes are chosen by the ldpc_code enum, for example LDPC_CODE_N1280_K1024 for a 128-byte (1024-bit) rate 4/5 code.

You'll need to provide the required memory for the various coding operations, it's left to you so you may do it statically or dynamically or however you please. You can look up the required sizes in the comments by each function, or use the LDPC_SIZE_/LDPC_LENGTH_ macros in ldpc_sizes.h statically, or use the ldpc_*_size_* functions defined elsewhere for information at runtime. There is also a table below that gives the memory size required to use each code in TX or RX with the different encoders and decoders.

For this example we'll use the LDPC_CODE_N1280_K1024 and statically allocate all required memory.


We'll stick the code of choice in a #define so we can easily refer to it statically. This is especially useful for using the static size macros.

#define CODE LDPC_CODE_N1280_K1024

To store the data-to-send and the codeword-to-transmit:

uint8_t txdata[LDPC_PARAM_K(CODE) / 8];
uint8_t txcode[LDPC_PARAM_N(CODE) / 8];

No further initialisation needed for the slower encoder. For quicker but more RAM-using encoding:

uint32_t g[LDPC_LENGTH_G(CODE)];
ldpc_codes_init_generator(CODE, g);

To store hard information for a decoder (only if you don't have soft information):

uint8_t rxcode[LDPC_PARAM_N(CODE) / 8];

To store soft information for a decoder (needed even if you only have hard information, if you want to use the soft decoders):

float rxllrs[LDPC_PARAM_N(CODE)];

Initialising the decoder:

float workingarea[LDPC_LENGTH_MP_WA(CODE)];
uint16_t iters_run;

ldpc_codes_init_sparse_paritycheck(CODE, ci, cs, vi, vs);

To store the decoded output:

uint8_t rxdata[LDPC_LENGTH_MP_OUT(CODE)];


Write into txdata.

Slow but low-memory encoding:

ldpc_encode_small(CODE, txdata, txcode);

Quick encoding:

ldpc_encode_fast(CODE, g, txdata, txcode);

Now transmit txcode out the radio.


If you have hard information in rxcode:

ldpc_decode_hard_to_llrs(CODE, rxcode, rxllrs);

Then, or if you already have soft information (more-positive means more-likely-to-be-zero):

ldpc_decode_mp(CODE, ci, cs, vi, vs, rxllrs, rxdata, workingarea, &iters_run);

If it returns true, a codeword was found, which almost certainly means valid data was recovered into the first n bytes of rxdata. If it returns false, it tried its best, and you might find the output useful, but it's not a valid codeword.

The Codes

Various LDPC codes of different lengths and rates are available. Currently we support six codes. They're specified as (n, k), where n is the number of bits transmitted (the codeword length), and k is the number of information bits encoded. Divide k by 8 to get the packet size in bytes. Divide n by k to get the code rate.

All the codes use a protograph-plus-circulant construction which has various nice features; primarily that it is possible to represent both the generator matrix and the parity check matrix in a very compact form which is good for embedded platforms.

The short rate 1/2 codes come from the telecommand channel coding experimental LDPC standard, 231.1-O-1, currently in review to be included in the main standard. The longer codes are available in rates 1/2, 2/3, and 4/5, and come from the telemetry standard 131.0-B-2. All the standards are freely available from the CCSDS website.

  • LDPC_CODE_N128_K64, a short code useful for very small packets or very
    limited receive hardware, with the poorest performance of the lot;
  • LDPC_CODE_N256_K128, a somewhat longer code perhaps useful for short
  • LDPC_CODE_N512_K256, the longest code from the TC spec;
  • LDPC_CODE_N1280_K1024, a high-rate code for situations where less error
    coding is required;
  • LDPC_CODE_N1536_K1024, a medium-rate code;
  • LDPC_CODE_N2048_K1024, a low-rate code for longer packets.

It is straightforward to add support for the 4096-bit codes in the standard; they're only omitted to keep the code neater as no current use is foreseen. Adding the 16384-bit codes is also possible but will take a little extra work in improving the generator-matrix script.

The amount of RAM required to operate with each code is as follows (in bytes):

Code TX Small TX Fast RX BF RX MP
( 128, 64) 16 528 1314 7076
( 256, 128) 32 2080 2626 14148
( 512, 256) 64 8256 5250 28292
(1280,1024) 160 32928 25300 68948
(1536,1024) 192 65728 30884 82340
(2048,1024) 256 131328 42052 109124


In a mathematical sense, encoding takes some user data bits x and multiplies it with the code's generator matrix, G, to get a codeword c=xG.

To ease code space requirements, all the generator matrices are stored in a compact form afforded us by the nature of the code. These constants are either specified in the standard (for the TC codes) or computed via the scripts/ script.

It's possible to encode a codeword directly from this form, using the ldpc_encode_small function. The RAM footprint is small, but it takes around two or three orders of magnitude more time to encode. Might not be an issue for many use cases with low-speed radios.

For faster encoding, the compact generator matrix can be expanded in RAM via the ldpc_codes_init_generator and then the encoder function ldpc_encode_fast can be used. The amount of RAM needed depends on the code, see ldpc_codes.h for details, but it's between 512 bytes and 131kB.

Both encoders take a uint8_t[k/8] and write to a uint8_t[n/8].


Decoding takes information from the radio and attempts to find the codeword that fits the received data best. Sometimes this is not possible and decoding fails, but often we can find the original codeword and thus the original transmitted information. In the best case, the radio tells us how close to being a 0 or 1 each bit was (called soft information), but often we are only given its best guess (hard information).

Decoding relies on the parity check matrix, H. This is specified in the standards and is represented in broadly the same form in the source file, as it is a very compact encoding. To turn this compact encoding into an actual parity check matrix, use ldpc_codes_init_paritycheck. This requires a reasonable amount of RAM, see ldpc_codes.h for details. Both decoders require further processing of this matrix into a sparse representation, provided by ldpc_codes_init_sparse_paritycheck. The sparse representation lists the indices that are non-zero along each row and along each column, and separately has a list of the starting position in this list for each row and column. In the future it may be possible to omit the full generation step, which would save a lot of RAM on embedded platforms, but it is not currently implemented.

There are two available decoders, the bit-flipping decoder ldpc_decode_bf (fast but bad) and the message-passing decoder ldpc_decode_mp (slow but good). The difference between them amounts to 2dB of SNR (in other words, you'd need 1.6 times as much transmit power to make up the difference in decoders), but around a factor of 50 time difference.

The bit flipping decoder is fast and only uses hard information (in other words, you know only whether each bit is more like a 0 or a 1). The basic idea is to find all the bits that are involved in the most parity checks which are not satisfied, and try flipping them until it fixes things. It cannot operate on punctured codes, such as the 1024-bit codes, as they need to represent an "unknown" bit. A pre-processing erasure-decoding step could alleviate this restriction but has not been written.

The message passing decoder involves substantially more computation for each iteration and works by computing the probability of each bit given the other bits connected to it via the parity check matrix. It can handle soft information and as such is also suited for the punctured codes. The implementation here uses min-sum with self-correction as per this paper, which is reasonably efficient and performs almost as well as an "optimal" sum-product decoding.

Possible improvements here include a better min-sum correction factor (for instance using normalised or offset min-sum may perform better if the correct normalisation factor for our various codes is computed), and extending the sparse representation to include an inverse lookup which would shave 20% off the runtime at the cost of twice the RAM. More drastic options include writing a fixed point decoder which could likely be very fast and take advantage of the STM32F4's DSP instruction set (since 8 bits per symbol appears to be plenty for this algorithm).


Right now two test executables are included, ber_trials and throughput_trials, which run a number of encoder tests to determine BER against Eb/N0 and throughput in kbps against Eb/N0. To configure the code in use and the Eb/N0 points, edit the relevant .c and recompile.

The rest can then be used to plot scripts via and in scripts/ though this is still a semi-manual process.