

mod_authn_tkt for Lighttpd


mod_authn_tkt provides secure cookie-based authentication for Lighttpd. It is a port of Apache module of the same name.

Basically it works as follows:

  1. User tries to access a restricted URI
  2. mod_authn_tkt checks if the request contains a valid ticket in a cookie
    with predetermined name. If not, module redirects the user to login URI
    setting reference to the original page via URI parameter or another cookie
  3. At the login URI the user is authenticated and is given a ticket (a cookie
    is set)
  4. Original page can be accessed as long as ticket is valid and not expired
  5. Valid ticket is periodically refreshed on subsequent requests of protected

More information may be found at the homepage of the original Apache module:


auth.method.tkt.opts = ( ) all options are collected into a single directive to attempt to keep auth site config and policy together. mod_auth auth.require directive is used to set the authorized users config and to employ mod_authn_tkt


"secret" - string, required secret component of MD5 hash

"secret-old" - string, optional (previous) secret component of MD5 hash

"login-url" - string, required unauthorized requests are redirected to this URI

"timeout-url" - string, default="login-url" requests that send tickets with timestamp older than specified in "timeout" are redirected to this URI

"post-timeout-url" - string, default="timeout_url" requests that send tickets with timestamp older than specified in "timeout" via POST are redirected to this URI

"unauth-url" - string, default="login_url" requests that send tickets without required tokens are redirected to this URI

"timeout" - string, default=7200 period of time before ticket is considered expired (not the same as cookie expiration - it is protected by MD5 hash). Last char of the string may be one of: m, h, d, w, M, y to specify minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years respectively. With no char the setting is treated to be in seconds.

"timeout-refresh" - float, default=0 From documentation of mod_auth_tkt for Apache: "A number between 0 and 1 indicating whether and how to refresh ticket timestamps. 0 means never refresh (hard timeouts). 1 means refresh tickets every time. .33 (for example) means refresh if less than .33 of the timeout period remains."

"digest-type" - string, default="MD5" Digest used in cookie. "SHA256" or "SHA512" available if module linked with openssl libcrypto

"ignore-ip" - boolean, default=disable If set, client's IP is included in ticket.

"require-ssl" - boolean, default=disable If set, ignore tickets that are sent over clear HTTP

"cookie-secure" - boolean, default=disable Whether to set 'Secure' flag on ticket cookies (default=enabled when "require-ssl" is enabled)

"cookie-name" - string, default="auth_tkt" ticket is set as a cookie with this name

"cookie-domain" - string, default= 'Domain' field of the ticket cookie

"cookie-expires" - string, default=0 'Expires' field of the ticket cookie. Format is the same as "timeout"

"back-cookie-name" - string, optional If set, cookie with this name is used instead of GET parameter, to remember the requested page

"back-arg-name" - string, default=back From documentation of mod_auth_tkt for Apache: "will add a GET parameter to all redirect URLs containing a URI-escaped version of the current requested page e.g. if the requested page is and "back-arg-name" is set to 'back', mod_auth_tkt will add a parameter like:

to the "login-url" it redirects to, allowing your login script
to redirect back to the requested page upon successful login."

"guest-user" - string, default="guest" guest username If string contains %U or %U, then that will be substituted in guest username string with random hex chars (1 - 32 hex chars)

"guest-login" - boolean, default=disable permit guest login (if cookie is invalid or missing)

"guest-cookie" - boolean, default=disable create cookie for guestnot supported yet

"guest-fallback" - boolean, default=disable fallback to guest login if cookie expired

"tokens" - list, default=(), optional List of URL-path prefixes and additional required authorization tokens If a URL-path matches a prefix and target list of string is not empty, then user is allowed to access resource only if his/her ticket has any of the specified tokens.


server.modules = ( ... "mod_auth", "mod_authn_tkt", ... )

(sample mod_authn_tkt config)

auth.method.tkt.opts = ( "secret" = "longlonglongsecretkey" "secret-old" = "previously-rotated-longlonglongsecretkey" "login-url" = "" "timeout-url" = " " "post-timeout-url" = "" "unauth-url" = "" "timeout" = "20m" "timeout-refresh" = ".25" "digest-type" = "MD5" # "MD5", "SHA256", or "SHA512" "ignore-ip" = "disable" "require-ssl" = "enable" "cookie-secure" = "enable" "cookie-name" = "auth_tkt" "cookie-domain" = "" "cookie-expires" = "20m" "back-arg-name" = "back" "back-cookie-name" = "auth_tkt_back" "guest-user" = "guest-%16U" "guest-login" = "disable" "guest-cookie" = "disable" "guest-fallback" = "disable" "tokens" = ("/protected-folder/protected.txt" => ("token1", "admin"), "/download/" => ("downloader") "/server-info" => ("admin") ) )

(sample mod_auth config to use mod_authn_tkt. Note: "method" => "authn_tkt")

auth.require = ( "/download/" => ( "method" => "authn_tkt", "realm" => "ignored-for-authn-tkt", # must be non-empty "require" => "user=agent007|user=agent008" ), "/server-info" => ( # limit access to valid user with "admin" token (above) "method" => "authn_tkt", "realm" => "ignored-for-authn-tkt", # must be non-empty "require" => "valid-user" ) "/protected-folder/" => ( # limit access to valid user # additionally require tokens for protected.txt (above) "method" => "authn_tkt", "realm" => "ignored-for-authn-tkt", # must be non-empty "require" => "valid-user" ) )


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