
A trivial raycaster using minifb for rendering/input

BSD-2-CLAUSE License



A basic raycasting "engine" implemented in shoddy C++ with a C wrapper so it can be exposed to other languages, including JavaScript through WASM.

The repository comes with a C++ and C demo which runs on Windows, Linux, macOS, Web (WASM), and DOS (yes, really...).

Try it in your browser


If all you want is to include the library in your C/C++ project, copy src/lilray.cpp and src/lilray.h to your project and include them in your build. If you want to use the C API, also copy src/lilray-c.cpp and src/lilray-c.h.

See src/main.cpp, src/main.c, and web/index.html for basic usage.

Requirements (Demos)

To compile the demo projects for the desktop you'll need:

  • Windows
    • Git for Windows. Make sure its available on the command line via the system PATH.
    • Visual Studio with C++ support
    • CMake. Make sure you add CMake to the system PATH during installation, so you can execute it from the command line
    • Ninja. Put the ninja.exe file somewhere and make sure it's available on the command line via your system PATH
  • Linux
    • GCC, Git, and GDB. E.g. Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt install build-essential git gdb
    • x11-dev library. On Ubuntu/Debian sudo apt install libx11-dev
    • CMake. On Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt install cmake
    • Ninja. On Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt install ninja
  • macOS

To build and run the demo projects for and in your browser, you'll need Emscripten, and a local HTTP server to serve build output. The easiest solution for serving local files is Python: python3 -m http.server <directory>. You can then view the files in the browser at http://localhost:8000.

To build and run the project for and in DOS, you'll need to run the dos/tools/ script. On Windows, run the script via Git Bash, which comes as part of Git for Windows. It will install DJGPP, a GCC fork for DOS, a fork of GDB capable of debugging DOS applications, and a fork of DOSBox-x to run the executables in, which fixes a few issues allowing for remote debugging.

Finally, if you want an IDE experience, install Visual Studio Code. After successful installation, install these extension for C/C++ development:

Building and running the demos from the command line


To build for your operating system:

cmake -S . -B build -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build

The resulting executables for each little demo app can then be found in the build/ directory. You can run them directly on your host system.

You can debug the resulting executables with LLDB (Windows, macOS) or GDB (Linux) on the command line. For that to work, you need to configure the CMake build with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug.


To build for the web:

cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/path/to/emsdk/<version>/emscripten/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake -S . -B build -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build

This will generate a .js and .wasm file for each .html file in the web/ folder. To run the demo apps in the browser, serve the build/ folder locally with a web server of your choice. The simplest option is Python's http.server module:

python3 -m http.server --directory build/

Then open http://localhost:80000 in your browser.

A workflow for web development is to leave the web server running, rebuild the project on source code changes and refresh the demo page in the browser.

You can also debug both the JavaScript and C code in the browser. For that to work, you need to configure the CMake build with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug.


To build for DOS, first run the dos/tools/ script to download the requirements. On Windows, run the script via Git Bash, which comes with Git for Windows. On Linux, you have to install additional dependencies via your package manager of choice. The script will tell you which.

Once the requirements are installed, build executables for DOS via:

cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./dos/tools/toolchain-djgpp.cmake -S . -B build -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build

The resulting executables for each little demo app can then be found in the build/ directory. You can run them via DOSBox-x which was downloaded by the script like this:

./dos/tools/dosbox-x/dosbox-x -fastlaunch -exit -conf ./dos/dosbox-x.conf build/<executable-file.exe>

You can also debug the executables running in DOSBox-x. Delete the build/ folder and reconfigure the CMake build to generate debug binaries:

cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./dos/tools/toolchain-djgpp.cmake -S . -B build -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build build

Run the executable in DOSBox-x:

./dos/tools/dosbox-x/dosbox-x -fastlaunch -exit -conf ./dos/dosbox-x.conf build/<executable-file.exe>

The app will wait in gdb_start() for the debugger to connect.

Start the downloaded GDB, load the debug info from the executable, and let it connect to the app:

(gdb) file build/<executable-file.exe>
(gdb) target remote localhost:5123

GDB will connect and stop in gdb_start(). You can now set breakpoints, step, continue, inspect local variables and so on.

You can of course also use VS Code to debug via a graphical user interface.

Open the project root folder in VS Code, select the djgpp CMake kit, select the Debug CMake variant, and the CMake launch target, then run the DOS debug target launch configuration.