
The LiteBSD ports tree.


LiteBSD Ports

The LiteBSD ports tree is a collection of software that acts as a third-party repository. It functions just like the ports tree does on the big BSDs: it creates packages that can then be installed by the LiteBSD opkg(1) tool.


On the machine you use to build LiteBSD:

$ cd $BSDSRC
$ git clone ports

Then cd into the directory containing the software you want to install.

To create a package that you will later install with the opkg(1) utility on a running LiteBSD machine:

$ bmake package

The package will be in ${.CURDIR}/work/.


All included software carries its own license. Please see each individual port for its license terms.

As far as anything in the LiteBSD ports tree infrastructure can be considered copyrightable, it is hereby released by the author into the public domain. In the event that public domain is unacceptable, it is released under the terms of the MIT License with the following header:

Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Brian Callahan <[email protected]>