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GPL-2.0 License


(C) Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2003 Copyright 2001 Motorola, Cisco, Intel, Nokia, La Monte Yarroll. Copyright 2002 Nokia, La Monte Yarroll, Intel.

This is the lksctp-tools package for Linux Kernel SCTP Reference Implementation.

This package is intended to supplement the Linux Kernel SCTP Reference Implementation now available in the Linux kernel source tree in versions 2.5.36 and following. For more information on LKSCTP see the below section titled "LKSCTP - Linux Kernel SCTP."


The lksctp-tools package is intended for two audiences. 1) SCTP application developers 2) LKSCTP project developers

For SCTP application developers, this package provides the user-level C language header files and a library for accessing SCTP specific application programming interfaces not provided by the standard sockets.

For LKSCTP project developers, this package provides the API regression and functional tests. Developers should also check lksctp_tests package that provides low level kernel tests. These are available from

For either role, this project provides sample code, utilities, and tests that one may find useful.

LKSCTP - Linux Kernel SCTP

The Linux Kernel SCTP Reference Implementation is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. For more information on licensing terms, please see the file COPYING in this directory.

SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) is a message oriented, reliable transport protocol, with congestion control, support for transparent multi-homing, and multiple ordered streams of messages. RFC2960 defines the core protocol. The IETF SIGTRAN Working Group developed SCTP. The primary architects are Randy Stewart and Qiaobing Xie.

The Kernel Reference is first and foremost an exposition of RFC2960 and related documents. You will find that the comments and variable names tie closely back to the RFC and Internet Drafts.

This work was started by a small team of developers at Motorola. Throughout this document, "we" refers to that team. We intend for the meaning of "we" to expand to include the whole development community, all 27 million programmers on the planet.

The Kernel Reference has loose origins in the SCTP User Space Reference by Randy Stewart and Qiaobing Xie.


. |-- bin |-- doc |-- man |-- src |-- apps |-- func_tests |-- include | -- netinet |-- lib |-- testlib -- withsctp

You may want to check the following files:

COPYING.lib Licensing terms of libsctp COPYING Licensing terms of other pieces of the package ROADMAP A tour around the files in the distribution of SCTP-tools. INSTALL How to install and run this beast. ChangeLog What has changed since the last release?


  • A primary design goal is to reflect RFC 2960 as closely as practical. We have changed many names from the user space reference to follow the draft as closely as possible. We have also included extensive quotes from the draft adjacent to the code which implements them.

  • The other primary design goal is to integrate Linux kernel data structures and idioms as much as possible. The test framework (in directory test/) provides many of the functions which would otherwise come from the kernel. The test frame does use libc features, but the state machine code should be libc-free.

  • A lesser design goal is to completely describe the actions for each state transition in an sctp_command_t (see sctp_command.h). This means that the state functions (sctp_state_fn_t in sctp_sm.h) are NOT allowed to modify their endpoint, association, or chunk arguments. This is enforced by const modifiers--please respect the compiler warnings. All actions must be described in the last argument to the state function.

  • A byte order convention for dealing with the SCTP chunk headers: all SCTP chunks, regardless if the chunk is to be sent outbound to the network or was received inbound from the network, the header portion of the chunk is ALWAYS created and retained in the NETWORK BYTE ORDER.

  • An error code handling convention is to return negative values internally. The sk->err field holds a positive valued errno values, so will need our internal values negated.

  • We are moving toward an XP development model. So far we have adopted pair-programming, coding-to-test (functional and unit), design through refactoring, and story-based planning.

In order to make XP work, it is very important that we have a complete set of tests for the code. We can not safely refactor major parts of the code without a way to find the things we break. If you decide to extend the SCTP Kernel Implementation we ask that you do the following:

1) Pick an XP story.  Tell [email protected]
2) Write a functional test for that XP story.  The functional
   test defines "DONE" for the story.
3) Submit the functional test as a patch on SourceForge.
4) Write unit tests for any new "objects" you define.
5) Implement your feature.
6) Submit the feature and the unit tests as a separate
SourceForge patch.

Look in src/func_tests and in lksctp-tests package for examples of of tests. Please do not submit code that fails its own tests or any of the unit tests. If it fails a functional test, please document that with the submission.

Another XP requirement is to code only what is you need to make the current test work. Where this means omitting required features, we have put in prominent BUG comments describing the omitted functionality.


This implementation uses a fairly compact cookie which is isolated in its own substructure of SCTP_association. We have been moving toward aggregating data elements which need to travel together to minimize copying of individual elements in favour of more efficient structure copies.

You will find what we believe to be the smallest possible Internet simulator in the middle of the function test_kernel.c:simulate_internet(). The simulator makes a few simplifying assumptions...


This is the lksctp project webpage.  

[email protected]

This is the discussion list for developers.  Join this list if	
you are interested in following the day-to-day activities of
the SCTP Kernel Reference Implementation development community. 
See subscription directions at:

This is Randy Stewart's SCTP web site.

This is Michael Tuexen's SCTP web site.  Michael has collected
dozens of documents related to SCTP.