
System Memory dump

OTHER License


memdump - memory dumper for UNIX-like systems.

What can you expect to find in a system memory dump? Bits from the operating system, from running processes, and from every file and directory that has been accessed recently. Depending on the operating system you may even find some information from deleted files and exited processes, although that information tends to be short-lived.

To dump physical memory:

memdump | nc host port
memdump | openssl s_client -connect host:port

For best results send output off-host over the network. Writing to file risks clobbering all the memory in the file system cache. Use netcat, stunnel, or openssl, depending on your requirements.

With the exception of Linux, dumping UNIX system memory is a tricky business because /dev/mem has holes that one has to carefully skip around in order not to read nonsense or even miss information.

See the memdump.1 manual page for detailed documentation. Be sure to pay attention to all the warnings. It is easy to produce an invalid result or to lock up the machine really hard.

This software was tested on Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and is distributed under the IBM Public License.

Wietse Venema IBM T.J. Watson Research P.O. Box 704 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA