Media HTTP File Server, Stream your own music and video library via your browser and standard media players.

OTHER License


MHFS - Media HTTP File Server

Stream your own music and video library via your browser and standard media players.

  • HTTP/1.1 server [keepalive, byte serving, chunked encoding, and more]
  • Gapless streaming web audio player using AudioWorklet and miniaudio with fallback players for incompatible browsers
  • server-side audio and video transcoding
  • Kodi open directory interface for playing from kodi as http source [video only currently]
  • M3U8 playlist interface for easy streaming in video players such as VLC
  • [Incomplete] web video players to stream your movies and tv shows in the browser
  • automatic media library scanning
  • youtube-dl web interface


Binary Releases

If you want to skip the setting up Perl and installing Perl modules steps, check out the binary version of MHFS in releases. It does not have any of the extension modules, but it should run on most unix-like operating systems as it's packaged into Actually Portable Perl.

[Recommended] Optional Prerequisites

  • A C compiler (needed for building MHFS::XS encoding module and Alien::Tar::Size library). apt-get install build-essential
  • ffmpeg and sox somewhere into path. ffmpeg is used for transcoding in the MusicLibrary subsystem and for videos in the video subsystem. sox is used for resampling in the MusicLibrary subsystem. apt-get install ffmpeg sox
  • libFLAC with headers. libFLAC is required to build the XS module [needed for server-side audio decoding and encoding]. Alien::libFLAC will download and build libFLAC from source if not found. apt-get install libflac-dev
  • ssl dev libraries. needed to fetch libFLAC sources using IO::Socket::SSL and Net::SSLeay, for building the XS module if libflac-dev is not installed. apt-get install libssl-dev libz-dev

[Recommended, Security] Create user account for MHFS

For security it's recommended to create a user account exclusively for running MHFS.

# adduser --system mhfs - create the daemon user and home directory

# su - mhfs -s /bin/bash - switch to the new mhfs user to continue installation

Setup perl

Installing packages under system perl is not recommended. local::lib is a light-weight solution that installs libraries seperately, but still uses system perl binary. If perl is unavailable or you prefer to install a perl version just for mhfs, perlbrew is recommended.

Install cpanm: curl -L | perl - App::cpanminus

export PERLBREW_ROOT=ABSPATHTOREPO/perl5/perlbrew replacing ABSPATHTOREPO with the absolute path to the repo curl -L | bash source "$PERLBREW_ROOT/etc/bashrc" perlbrew install perl-5.34.0 perlbrew list perlbrew switch perl-5.34.0 where perl-5.34.0 is the version listed. perlbrew install-cpamn

cd /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/ && h2ph -r -l . && cd sys && h2ph syscall.h && cd ABSPATHTOREPO where /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu is the kernel header files and ABSPATHTOREPO is the absolute path to the repo used before.

Download and install MHFS

Only App-MHFS is required, but the other modules are highly recommended.

From cpan [Recommended]: cpanm --with-recommends App::MHFS

From github: Download from releases and extract (tar -xvf MHFS-VERSIONHERE.tar). Install the perl modules: cd MHFS-VERSIONHERE && cpanm Alien-Tar-Size*.tar.gz Alien-libFLAC*.tar.gz MHFS-XS*.tar.gz App-MHFS*.tar.gz

Configure settings

Start the server, mhfs to create the settings file:

The settings file is created at $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/mhfs, by default $HOME/.config/mhfs. Fill in your settings as needed.

HOST - address to bind too, i.e. '' for localhost or '' for all interfaces.

PORT - port to bind too, i.e. 8000.

ALLOWED_REMOTEIP_HOSTS - whitelist to specify allowed remote ip addresses, an optional required Host header value, and an absolute url override if desired. By default the absolute url is derived from the Host header. CIDR notation is supported to allow remote ip address ranges in a single item.

    # localhost connections for reverse proxy, use to build absolute urls
    # the optional forth parameter is needed to ensure the the request came from the reverse proxy.
    # It is checked against X-MHFS-PROXY-KEY request header. It MUST be set for features requiring
    # headers (X-Forwarded-For, etc) from the reverse proxy such as MHFS::Plugin::BitTorrent::Tracker
    ['', undef, '', 'SETME_SUPER_SEKRET_PLEASE'],
    [''], # anyone on our LAN
    ['', ''] # direct connections with the correct Host header

NETMAP- a HACK for deciphering routing netmap shenigans, where clients on LAN connect with an alternative address than their real LAN address. Currently just used by MHFS::Plugin::BitTorrent::Tracker to properly allow peers to work both on the LAN and the internet. [FAKE_IPV4_START, REAL_IPV4_START], i.e. [10, 192].

PUBLICIP - Currently just used by MHFS::Plugin::BitTorrent::Tracker to expose LAN peers to the internet with the external IP address of network, i.e. ''

MEDIALIBRARIES - hash of library to folder path mapping.

    'movies' => "/path/to/movies",
    'tv'     => "/path/to/tv",
    'music' => "/path/to/music",

Timeouts are used to boot idle or non-responsive connections.

recvrequestimeout - maximum time [in seconds] to recieve an http request line and headers. Starts when no request is active on connection. default value: TIMEOUT

sendresponsetimeout - maximum time [in seconds] allowed between send's when sending an http response. default value: TIMEOUT

TIMEOUT - the default timeout value [in seconds] for the timeouts. default value: 75

[Recommended, Security] Prevent MHFS from modifying its own files

In the case of a mhfs account, you can just take ownership of it's home directory, but allow it to still own it's temp files

# chown -R YOURUSERNAME:YOURUSERNAME /home/mhfs - allow your account to manage the files in the mhfs account instead

# mkdir -p /home/mhfs/.cache/mhfs && chown -R mhfs:nogroup /home/mhfs/.cache/mhfs- allow mhfs to manage temp files

# mkdir -p /home/mhfs/.local/share/mhfs && chown -R mhfs:nogroup /home/mhfs/.local/share/mhfs- allow mhfs to save permanent files



Navigate to the url, by default you are presented with a few different routes:

/music to enter the music library and player. See below for info on the MusicLibrary subsystem.

/video to enter the movie and tv library and player. See below for info on the Video subsystem.

Advanced Setup

Reverse Proxy

To add TLS and allow access without entering a port in the URL, reverse proxying is recommended.

Setup TLS, Let's Encrypt certbot recommended.


Add the following to your site config i.e. /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default-le-ssl.conf replacing mhfs with the name you want on your site. Set X-MHFS-PROXY-KEY request header to the same secret as before. Keep the trailing slashes [or absense of] the same.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/mhfs$ mhfs/ [R,L]
<Location "/mhfs/">
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/json
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/wasm
  ProxyPass ""

Reload apache2 # service apache2 reload. If it fails install mod_headers: maybe a2enmod headers && service apache2 restart

Setup as systemd service

A sample service set to use the local::lib is provided.

cp resources/mhfs.service /etc/systemd/system/mhfs.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable mhfs.service
systemctl start mhfs.service


MusicLibrary subsystem

The music player is by default accessed with /music.

Music players

/music?fmt=worklet - AudioWorklet based player.

  • Gapless streaming of FLAC, WAV, and MP3 without needing server-side decoding support
  • Shows embedded or file based cover art.
  • Shows metadata (Trackname, Artist, and Album) instead of file path.
  • Keyboard based controls and MediaSession support for media key usage.

/music?fmt=legacy - Legacy browser player. Uses html audio tag to load and play audio.

/music?fmt=musicinc - Incremental gapless player. Uses AudioBufferSourceNodes to play audio.


/music Request a music player or the music library in a variety of formats. See MusicLibrary::SendLibrary.

/music_dl?name=folderpath Download a track [or part of one] by filename with optional resampling, channel mixing, and encoding. See MusicLibrary::SendLocalTrack.

/music_resources?name=folderpath Download a flac audio track's vorbis comments as json. See MusicLibrary::SendResources.

Video subsystem

The video player is accessed with /video.

For convenience M3U playlist files are provided to ease streaming outside of the browser in software such as VLC. Note, this may only work well on LAN.

Kodi / XBMC

Kodi may access media via http sources in kodi. MHFS attempts to provide your libraries with kodi's desired naming structures, so that it will be organized with metadata accurately.

/kodi/movies/ - Kodi formatted Movies directory listing

/kodi/tv/ - Kodi formatted TV directory listing

Development Info

Install the perl dependencies from cpanfile with cpanm --with-develop --with-configure --installdeps .

emscripten is required to build the web music players (they use Wasm).

A full build is done with make -j4.

./ allows running MHFS directly from this source code tree

./ terminates instances of MHFS, builds MHFS, and runs ./


Tejas Rao for source code review early on. mackron for great audio libraries and answering questions.


This software is copyright (c) 2018-2022 by Gavin Hayes.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. See LICENSE.

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