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non-blocking select() inside the Nginx event loop for Openresty cosockets. Good if you want to receive() from more than one socket at a time.


local ngx_select = require ""

ngx_select({sockets}, [timeout])

Waits until at least one socket is ready for reading or writing, or timeout is reached.

First argument is a table of cosockets from ngx.req.socket() or ngx.socket.tcp() or ngx.socket.udp().

ngx_select({[sock1]="r", [sock2]="w", [sock3]="rw"})
--wait until sock1 is read-ready OR sock2 is write-ready OR sock3 is read-or-write-ready
ngx_select({sock1, sock2, sock3})
--wait until sock1 OR sock2 OR sock3 are read-ready. equivalent to
ngx_select({[sock1]="r", [sock2]="r", [sock3]="r"})

ngx_select() will error out if any of the sockets passed in are closed or aren't sockets.

Second argument is an optional wait timeout, in milliseconds. A timeout of 0 is treated as "no timeout".

ngx_select({socket1, socket2}, 1000)

Returns a table of ready sockets, or nil, error_string on error (such as "timeout")

Ready sockets table has numerically indexed sockets, and socket-indexed event-types:

local ready, err = ngx_select({[sock1]="rw", [sock2]="rw"})
--let's say sock1 is read-ready, and sock2 is write-ready

--ready looks like this:
ready = {


  • If you plan on being absolutely sure your socket reads and writes don't yield the Lua thread after the ngx_select() reports the sockets as ready, set their timeouts to 1 in Openresty. 0 would be nice but Openresty ignores it, so 1 is good enough. (The thread actually yields with this timeout but then resumes immediately after)
  • Only implemented for the Lua stream module, not HTTP. (ask me if you want this done)
  • Only supported for TCP sockets, not UDP. Openresty makes it hard to guess what type a given socket is without making syscalls. (Can be implemented as an ugly hack. I'm not opposed to ugly hacks, mind you, so ask me if you want this done)



# a simple 2-way echo server with very little error handling
stream {
  server {
    listen 8083;
    content_by_lua_file "2_way_echo_server.lua";

local select = require ""
local clientsock = assert(ngx.req.socket(true))
local upsock = ngx.socket.tcp()
assert(upsock:connect("", 8092))

--setting read timeouts to 1 to ensure we do not yield for more than 1ms
--on socket:receive() after ngx_select()
upsock:settimeouts(100, 30, 1)
clientsock:settimeouts(100, 30, 1)

while true do
  --select clientsock and upsock for read-readiness, but wait no more than 5000 milliseconds
  local socks, err = ngx_select({clientsock, upsock}, 5000)
  if socks == nil then
    ngx.log(ngx.NOTICE, "got ngx_select() error:" .. tostring(err))
  local receive_error
  for _, sock in ipairs(socks) do
    --note that ipairs() is used here and not pairs().
    --read the return value documentation to understand why
    local data, err = sock:receive()
    if not data then
      ngx.log(ngx.NOTICE, "got receive error:" .. tostring(err))
      receive_error = true
    sock:send("you said: " .. data.."\n")
    data, err = sock:receive()
    ngx.log(ngx.NOTICE, "extra receive:" .. tostring(data).. ", " .. tostring(err))
  if receive_error then
    ngx.log(ngx.NOTICE, "a socket failed to receive data. we're done here")

Building and Installing

To build this module, follow the standard Nginx module building procedure, but pass the module argument to Openresty's configure script instead:

tar -xvf openresty-VERSION.tar.gz
cd openresty-VERSION/
#build static module into openresty
./configure --add-module=path/to/ngx_lua_select_module_source


#build dynamic module
./configure --add-dynamic-module=path/to/ngx_lua_select_module_source
# this creates 2 modules - and,
#unless Openresty is explicitly built without stream or http

sudo make install