
Devices and commandline tools for zeromq and crossroads io

MIT License



Paperjam is an implementation of "devices" for zeromq and crossroads.


Any or both of the following:

  • libzmq
  • libxs

Build time dependencies:

  • coyaml_
  • libyaml_
  • python3_

.. _coyaml: .. _libyaml: .. _python3:



./waf configure --prefix=/usr
./waf build
./waf test
sudo ./waf install

Command-line Tools

There are three binaries in the project:

paperjam Devices implementation, which uses YAMLy config (see below)

pjmonitor Monitor for paperjam. It attaches to monitor sockets (if configured), and shows everything sent inside device. Useful for debugging.

pjutil Utility for sending and receiving messages from the command-line. Basic usage is following:

    pjutil --*lib* --*type* --connect *addr*

Where *lib* is either ``xs`` or ``zmq``. And *type* is one of the
socket types zeromq or crossroads support. Use ``--help`` to get a
full list of socket types.

*addr* can be any zeromq or crossroads address.  For example
``tcp://``. The ``--connect`` option is repeatable and there
is also ``--bind`` option.

Every leftover arguments will be sent to the socket, if socket is writable.
Each argument is sent as a part of single multipart message. For the
``rep`` and ``respondent`` sockets, those arguments will be replied for
each request from the socket. For other writable sockets the message will
be sent at the start.

All input messages will be printed one per line, quoted with double quotes
and space-separated.

Process with ``req`` socket type exits as soon as response comes.
``push`` and ``pub`` processes exit as soon as message is put in OS
buffers (which basically means message is sent). All other modes are
left in the indefinite loop of listening and printing messages. You
can set maximum process running time for any socket type
with ``--timeout`` option.

zmqpush, zmqpull, zmqreq, zmqrep, zmqpub, zmqsub, xspush, xspull, xsreq, xsrep, xspub, xssub, xssurveyor, xsrespondent Aliases (symlinks) to pjutil, which are preconfigured for specific library (libxs or libzmq) and socket type. Except skipping aformentioned arguments they behave exactly as pjutil. Only supported combinations of library and socket type are installed on the system.

Configuring Devices

Default configuration file is in /etc/paperjam.yaml. It is normal YAML_ file with support of anchors and other nice things. Devices configured in Devices section, which is mapping of devices, for example::



        # socket where you should send request to
        frontend: !zmq.Rep
        - !Bind "ipc:///tmp/frontend.sock"

        # socket which will really respond to requests
        backend: !zmq.Rep
        - !Connect "tcp://"

        # socket which you can introspect traffic from
        # it's optional
        monitor: !zmq.Push
        - !Bind "ipc:///tmp/monitor.sock"

All kinds of sockets and any combination of zmq vs xs sockets supported. We allow various combinations of patterns, for example to redirect traffic from 'pull' socket to 'pub' one, but disable meaningless ones, like connecting 'rep' socket to 'pull' one. We also hide all the gory details of XREP/XREQ sockets and use Rep/Rep in config (however, we use X-prefixed sockets internally to multiplex requests). All kinds of zmq and xs addresses are supported.

.. _YAML: