
A simple persistent command-line phone book in C.

MIT License


Phone Book

A simple command-line implementation of a persistent phone book in C to re-familiarize myself with the basics of C.


Execution Instructions

In the project's root directory, please execute the following commands:

$ gcc phone-book.c -o pb
$ ./pb

The above commands can be executed in Gitpod as well:


  • Add a phone record
  • Display all phone records
  • Find a phone record based on an e-mail
  • Find phone record(s) based on a first name
  • Delete a phone record
  • Update a phone record
  • Display phone book command help

Sample Program

Executed in Gitpod.

gitpod /workspace/phone-book (main) $ gcc phone-book.c -o pb
gitpod /workspace/phone-book (main) $ ./pb
Phone Book

Use 'pb help' for usage.

$ pb help
Usage: pb [TYPE] [FLAG]... [DATA]...
Use the phone book to add, update, delete or find records.

- e-mail IDs are unique, so duplicate e-mail IDs are not allowed.
- Commands are whitespace-sensitive, so data should not contain whitespaces.

- Display all records: pb display
- Add a record: pb add <first_name> <last_name> <unique_email> <phone_number>
- Find a record using an e-mail: pb find -e <email_of_record_to_find>
- (To do) Update a record: pb update <first_name> <last_name> <email_of_record_to_update> <phone_number>
- (To do) Delete a record: pb delete <email_of_record_to_delete>
- (To do) Find record(s) using a first name: pb find -n <first_name_of_records_to_find>
- Exit phone book: pb exit
- Display command help: pb help

pb add selena gomez [email protected] +1(xxx)xxx-xxxx

$ pb add selena gomez [email protected] +1(xxx)xxx-xxxx
Record added to phone book.

$ pb find -e [email protected]
First name: selena
Last name: gomez
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone no.: +1(xxx)xxx-xxxx

$ pb add lucas scheppingen
Insufficient number of parameters passed. Expected 4 parameter(s), but got 2. Use 'pb help' for usage.
The phone record could not be added to the phone book.

$ pb add lucas scheppingen [email protected] +1xxxxxxxxxx
Record added to phone book.

$ pb display
First name: selena
Last name: gomez
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone no.: +1(xxx)xxx-xxxx
First name: lucas
Last name: scheppingen
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone no.: +1xxxxxxxxxx

$ pb exit
Phone book shut down.
gitpod /workspace/phone-book (main) $